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109 results found

Outpatient injection laryngoplasty

The benefits of a local anaesthetic centred laryngoplasty service in the outpatient environment may interest surgeons and hospital managers alike. This case series looked at patients over a two-year period undergoing local anaesthetic injection laryngoplasty in outpatients. Patient-rated (Voice Performance...

Leadership in healthcare

There is often a great deal of confusion over the words ‘management’ and ‘leadership’. Sometimes they are used interchangeably. Sometimes they are used to represent opposite ends of a spectrum. Sometimes both are used as collective nouns, or to describe an activity.

SoundPrint: an app for finding quieter restaurants

"Is there any chance the music could be turned down a bit”, I asked our server politely on a rare evening out with my husband. We had spent the previous half-hour shouting at each other, only to have the other...

Dr KJ Lee: From Penang to Presidency of the AAO-HNS… and beyond!

Anyone who’s ever stopped to wonder about the personalities behind well-known names in ENT will enjoy Keyu Liu’s article on Dr KJ Lee, rich with stories of his travels, inspirations, and personal philosophies, alongside his momentous achievements. If you’ve experienced...

Transferable skills in audiology: one audiologist’s journey

Ever wonder about transferable skills in audiological practice? In this issue, we hear about one audiologist’s journey from clinical practice to applying transferable skills gained in audiology to other healthcare sectors. In 1997, as a 16-year-old starting my career in...

Facial reanimation dynamic trends

Facial nerve paralysis leads to functional loss and aesthetic issues. Several techniques are used to restore function and to improve cosmesis. The gold standard is dynamic facial reanimation. Typically, the masseteric, hypoglossal, and contralateral facial nerve branches have been used...

Case studies – transformational benefits of using connecting hearing aids

While hearing aids can provide great benefits there remain some challenging situations for people with hearing loss. These include listening in background noise, groups, using the telephone and listening to TV / music. Hearing aids with integrated wireless functionality allow...

World Hearing Day 2022

On World Hearing Day 2022, WHO will focus on the importance of safe listening as a means of maintaining good hearing across the life course. In 2021, WHO launched the World report on hearing that highlighted the increasing number of people living with and at risk of hearing loss,

The Veterans Hearing Fund

Dawn Bramham introduces us to the newly launched Veterans Hearing Fund (VHF). This organisation aims to improve the lives of military personnel with hearing loss by providing access to technologies, services and bespoke rehabilitation that are not routinely available via...

Congenital CMV: investigations and management in the audiology setting

Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) is the only cause of congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) for which there is a medical treatment available to prevent further hearing loss. Dr Simone Walter discusses cCMV infection, cCMV-related hearing loss, and how to facilitate their...

Sound sensitivity in children

Sound tolerance symptoms in young patients can be a challenge, Veronica Kennedy and Claire Benton share their clinical experience in navigating the issues that can arise in diagnosis and management. In any noisy environment, it’s a common sight to see...

British Academy of Audiology Higher Training Scheme

After 15 years of running the Higher Training Scheme (HTS), the British Academy of Audiology (BAA) relaunched its postgraduate training scheme this year. We hear about the updated scheme and how it combines theoretical study and clinical training to provide...