You searched for "tumour"

388 results found

Preoperative tumour embolisation

This review article analyses the role of preoperative endovascular tumour embolisation in the treatment of a variety of hypervascular head and neck lesions including juvenile nasal angiofibroma, glomus tumour, carotid body tumours, and meningioma. Although the concept of tumour embolisation...

Sublingual gland tumour resection

This paper from South Korea analyses the pathology arising from 20 malignant sublingual gland tumours. Adenoid cystic carcinoma followed by mucoepidermoid carcinomas were the most common. Tumour invasion into the lingual nerve was detected in 40% of cases, and into...

Review of pituitary tumour pathology

This is an excellent review article covering the pathology of pituitary adenomas (PA) as well as rare sellar lesions like lymphocytic hypophysitis that require aggressive treatment. The authors have preserved the 2017 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of PA and...

Centralisation of care for acoustic tumour surgeries?

Several factors are responsible for readmission after acoustic tumour removal. The authors retrospectively studied the association between hospital, patient and insurance factors with the rate of readmission following acoustic tumour removal in the United States using the Nationwide Readmission Database...

Intraoperative MRI use during pituitary tumour resection

This article provides an overview of intraoperative MRI (iMRI) use in transphenoidal surgery (TSS) for pituitary tumours. Traditionally imaging of the surgical field during surgery involves intraoperative fluoroscopic imaging or neuronavigation which help to avoid injury to critical structures but...

Pituitary tumour associated headaches

This longitudinal cohort study presents data with significant clinical implications for patients with headaches and the clinicians and surgeons who treat them. For the study, patients completed a self-administered survey on headache characteristics on initial presentation and after surgery of...

Therapeutic ultrasound for tumours

This review article provides details about the potential applications of transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS), its mechanism of action and the studies that have set the basis for its use in neuro-oncology. FUS is an emerging modality of therapy for various...

Intraoperative identification of primary tumours in unknown primary head and neck cancer using transoral laser microsurgery with frozen sections

The aim of the study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of intraoperative identification of primary tumours in patients with unknown primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (UP HNSCC) using transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) with frozen sections, with...

Humour to improve clinician - patient interactions

This study examined the role of humour employed by the speech language graduate student during their one-on-one therapy sessions with people with aphasia (PWA). The students used humour to soften the errors made by the clients; to equalise interactional power;...

Endolymphatic sac tumours

The authors performed a systematic review of literature and describe the clinical signs and symptoms of endolymphatic sac tumours (ELST) in this article. A total of 113 patients and 118 cases from 26 studies were included in the study. The...

Parapharyngeal space tumours – is the transoral approach effective?

Several approaches are described to the parapharyngeal space to permit resection of tumours in this region, with the most commonly employed approach being the transcervical route. The transoral approach remains somewhat controversial as it is felt that this approach can...

Fluorescein use during parotidectomy

The authors of this study retrospectively reviewed the surgical charts of seven patients who underwent parotidectomy for tumour resection. In all these patients, Fluorescein sodium was used to enhance the contrast between parotid tumour tissue and the facial nerve. Using...