You searched for "tympanic"

173 results found

An office procedure to close small tympanic membrane perforations

Various methods have been described for closure of small tympanic membrane perforations, ranging from paper patching to use of fibrin glue. The procedure needs to be non-invasive and cost effective. Use of Terdermis to close perforations of all sizes has...

Tympanostomy tubes outcomes by tympanic quadrants- a meta-analysis

Tympanostomy tube (TT) insertion is one of the most common ENT procedures, resulting in millions of TTs being implanted per annum and occurring complications that need to be addressed. Premature TT extrusion (PTTE) is a well-recognised such complication, affecting almost...

Two reliable endoscopic myringoplasty techniques for anterior tympanic membrane perforations

Difficulties that arise in closing anterior perforations in the tympanic membrane are due to a narrow isthmus of the external auditory canal and an anterior wall bulge which obscures the most anterior part of the tympanic membrane. The conventional microscopic...

Complications associated with intra-tympanic steroid injections for sudden sensorineural hearing loss

Around 15,000 people in the UK experience a sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) each year, and in the majority of cases the cause is unknown. Treatment options for idiopathic SSNHL include various modalities of steroid treatments which have known limitations...

Endoscopic excision of cholesteatoma

In this article Vikranth Visvanathan describes an exciting development on the use of endoscopic technology in complex otological practice. Transcanal endoscopic ear surgery (TEES) is rapidly evolving as a recognised method of addressing middle ear and mastoid pathology. Since its...

Awareness of alternative techniques in cochlear implantation

The use of alternative techniques for cochlear implantation is indicated in unusual cases where the standard procedure would not be suitable. The authors of this study highlight the various reasons as to why an alternative technique might be sought, and...

Application of paper patching in patulous eustachian tube

The condition of patulous eustachian tube, as opposed to dysfunctional eustachian tube, is less frequently diagnosed. Symptoms related to this, such as autophony, aural fullness, ‘being under water’, ‘hearing their own breathing’, and hearing sensitivity (varying in either direction) can...

Endoscopic stapes surgery

Traditionally middle ear surgery, including stapes surgery, has been performed using the operating microscope. In this article the authors describe their experience with endoscopic middle surgery and share some of its advantages. Trans-canal endoscopic ear surgery (TEES) is now a...

Facial nerve anatomy in the temporal bone

Knowledge of the facial nerve anatomy during otological surgery is crucial in avoiding an iatrogenic injury to the facial nerve. In this study, the authors investigated the anatomical relationship between the tympanic portion of the facial canal (FC) and the...

Endoscopic myringoplasty: a promising alternative to microscopic surgery

Endoscopes have revolutionised otitis media surgery in recent years and are increasingly used in the surgical management of cholesteatoma, sinus tympani pathology and facial nerve surgery. Despite this, the development of endoscopic myringoplasty and how this compares to its microscopic...

Paper patching for aural fullness

This Belgian prospective study reported on the effect of paper patching on aural fullness of unknown aetiology. It looked at 22 patients who complained of aural fullness without any middle ear pathology. The patients were divided into a treatment group...

Endoscopic approach to the internal auditory canal (IAC)

The otoendoscope, with its wide-angle visualisation, has made it an increasingly popular tool to perform outer, middle and even inner ear surgery. Approaches to the IAC with the endoscope have been described by several authors. In this paper, Valente et...