You searched for "vocal fold"

13 results found

Vocal fold medialisation implant

Vocal Implant System (VOIS) is an adjustable long-term implant to treat glottic insufficiency. The implant is available in four sizes that fit all laryngeal dimensions. VOIS consists of a titanium housing and fixation plate, with a silicone balloon that can...

EMG and unilateral vocal fold palsy

The authors studied the diagnostic and prognostic value of laryngeal electromyography (LEMG) in adults with unilateral vocal fold palsy. The study included 61 patients who were tested on average seven months after their palsy (4-11 months). In most cases the...

Influence of smoking on vocal fold polyps

A vocal fold polyp is a benign lesion related to phonotrauma which induces upregulation of inflammatory processes and histological changes can occur in the epithelium and lamina propria. Whether smoking produces additional or enhanced changes is the subject of this...

Voice and unilateral vocal fold paralysis

Voice outcomes are the main comparators when managing unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVP). In a review of the literature, 11 voice indicators are included in 80% of all articles. However, when surgeons were surveyed on their clinical preferences and their...

What characterises dysphagia in unilateral vocal fold impairment?

The closure of the vocal folds during swallowing is known to contribute to airway protection along with epiglottic inversion and closure of the false vocal folds. It is therefore plausible to expect that unilateral vocal fold impairment without complete closure...

Assessing the impact of e-cigarette smoke on the vocal fold

While the use of electronic-cigarettes (e-cigs) is increasing rapidly, little is known about the effects this has on the health of vocal fold. In this translational research study, authors compared the effects of e-cig vapour and cigarette smoke on an...

Iatrogenic vocal fold paralysis – the time to recovery

Iatrogenic vocal fold paralysis can result from stretching, compression or complete transection of recurrent laryngeal or vagus nerves. These injuries are a significant source of concern for patients and clinicians alike. The question is how long should we wait for...

Vocal fold motion impairment following intubation – how likely is it to recover?

Ed’s Choice reviews a timely paper investigating prolonged intubation on vocal fold motion. The current scientific literature is dominated by studies examining COVID-19 and its widespread effects on health and healthcare delivery but will be old news by the time...

The Laryngeal Pacemaker – developing an innovative solution for bilateral vocal fold paralysis

Bilateral vocal fold paralysis is a difficult condition to manage, with surgical interventions previously limited to tracheostomy or arytenoidectomy. Re-innervation surgery has been developed and, in recent years, a Laryngeal Pacemaker is now in clinical trials. We speak to two...

The Laryngeal Pacemaker – developing an innovative solution for bilateral vocal fold paralysis

Bilateral vocal fold paralysis is a difficult condition to manage, with surgical interventions previously limited to tracheostomy or arytenoidectomy. Re-innervation surgery has been developed and, in recent years, a Laryngeal Pacemaker is now in clinical trials. We speak to two...

Early injection laryngoplasty for iatrogenic vocal fold movement impairment – a safe and effective treatment

This Ed’s Choice examines the role of early injection laryngoplasty on swallowing dysfunction and is one of a few studies available in the literature. Research on early injection laryngoplasty has been predominately focused on voice and reducing the risk of...

Long-term results of injection laryngoplasty with polydimethylsiloxane (Vox) for unilateral vocal fold paralysis

Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is widely used for vocal cord injections to treat patients with a vocal cord palsy. It is commercially available as the Vox implant system. Alternative compounds that can be employed include hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse Voice)....
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