This section is devoted to reviewing the latest books in the fields of ENT and audiology. Our reviews are intended to provide useful guidance for end users who will find the books helpful in their day-to-day practice.
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Treatment Companion: A Speech-Language Pathologist’s Intervention Guide for Students With Developmental Delays and Disorders

Written by experienced speech-language pathologists (SLTs) and described as a speech-language pathologist’s best friend, the Treatment Companion serves as a therapy guide for SLTs working with children and young people who have communication delays and/or disorders. The book is aimed...

Fundamentals of AAC – A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication

A comprehensive text that will appeal to speech and language therapists at all stages of their careers, from undergraduate through to seasoned professionals working directly in the field. Despite there being 64 contributors (mostly from the US), the editors have...

Manual Therapy for Voice and Swallowing

This 300-page practical book on Manual Therapy for Voice and Swallowing is written by a single author, Walt Fritz, who is a US-based manual therapist. The first 150 pages include an overly detailed introduction, including his personal view and journey...

Speech Sound Disorders: Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment

As an audiologist specialising in paediatrics, I reviewed this book out of interest to hopefully broaden my knowledge of a somewhat related subject. I found this an interesting read with some good points made, such as the long-term outcomes for...

Patient and Family-Centered Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

This book highlights the importance of giving patient and family-centred care (PFCC) in clinic to those with a communication difference. Input is included from informed healthcare professionals, and its focus is on the ‘how to’ with evidenced-based methods for improving...

Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Practitioner’s Guide

Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Practitioner’s Guide is an informative and comprehensive guide to differential diagnosis, assessment and management of communication and swallowing disorders in the medical setting, which includes consideration of adult patients from early diagnosis to end of life....