You searched for "Otology"

1033 results found

Emergency-safe ENT — Simulation-based course

Report By: Christopher Williams, 5th Year Medical Student, University of Cambridge On 2 March 2019, 30 medical students and foundation doctors gathered at the Norwich and Norfolk University Hospital for a non-profit ENT emergencies course offering a combination of short...

IIOHNS / RCSI Study Evening in association with the RSM / JLO Travelling Tour

Report by: Richard Ben Speaker, SpR The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) opened its doors on a warm bank holiday Monday evening for this event, which was hosted by the Irish Institute of Otolaryngology, and took place in...

Microsurgical Management of Middle Ear and Petrous Bone Cholesteatoma

Several years ago, after being appointed as a consultant, my esteemed senior colleague entered my office and questioned why I was reading a textbook at that stage of my career, suggesting that I should be focusing solely on journals. Whilst...

The evidence for various treatments of autoimmune ear disease

The difficulty with this disease entity is that it is a heterogeneous group of conditions affecting the ear and a widely accepted diagnostic criteria does not exist. It is therefore difficult to conduct a well controlled trial and this systematic...

Team proves secure pathway to the inner ear

An international team of surgeons and scientists has, for the first time, validated safe surgical access to the central core of the human cochlea.

In Conversation with Professor Shakeel R Saeed - EAONO

The European Academy of Otology and Neuro-otology (EAONO) will hold its 2020 meeting in London. Haroon Saeed, Specialist Trainee in ENT, asked Professor Shakeel Saeed, EAONO President, about the upcoming event. Professor Shakeel Saeed In a nutshell, what is the...

Incoming RSM Presidents share their plans for a year like no other!

It is a great honour for me to take on the Presidency of the Section of Laryngology and Rhinology at the Royal Society of Medicine. We have a very interesting, thought-provoking and educational programme ahead.

Assessment of temporal bone skills on 3D-printed temporal bones – a useful training curriculum?

The authors contend it is now archaic to follow Halstead’s model of surgical training, namely ‘see one, do one and teach one’. Simulated training is now widely used in many surgical specialities. With every surgical trainee having an individual learning...

Olfactory and gustatory recovery in coronavirus patients after six months

It remains unclear for how long olfactory and gustatory losses persevere in patients with COVID-19. This is a prospective study of 300 patients who lost taste and smell within seven days of contracting COVID-19. The patients were objectively assessed with...

Welcome to BACO Liverpool: a city with deep roots in ENT

Liverpool is a city steeped in ENT history, so it is fitting that BACO is being held there once more. Ray Clarke, former editor of ENT and Audiology News, casts his eye over the historical legacy of that fine city....

What causes delays in head and neck cancer treatment?

This article identifies which factors are responsible for delays in cancer management by a retrospective case-control series study, statistically comparing two groups, each of 50 patients, one receiving timely treatment and the other breaching set targets. It was observed that...

Assessment of viral aetiology in the formation of nasal polyps

The exact aetiology of nasal polyposis is not yet established although it is believed that allergic, infectious, mechanical, immunological and biochemical factors may be involved. Using the technique of polymerase chain reaction, this study assesses the role of human adenovirus,...