You searched for "alcohol"

97 results found

Alcohol and hearing

Alcohol is a well-known central nervous system depressant. Individual reactions to alcohol might vary, but the connection between alcohol consumption and tolerance to loud noise or difficulties in communication in noisy environments are well-observed phenomena; for example, at evening parties....

Alcohol and the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)

I was drawn to this paper initially for slightly unscientific reasons but in fact it proved a worthwhile read. It describes the effect of alcohol consumption on the VOR of eight healthy subjects as measured using video head impulse testing...

Alcohol consumption and the risk of developing benign laryngeal disorders?

Alcohol consumption among South Korean adults is apparently high, with over three quarters of the adult population consuming alcohol and a ‘high-risk’ drinking rate of one in five. Excessive alcohol consumption is considered to be a risk factor for developing...

Is one glass of wine on call safe?

It’s a standard question for those about to sit a Specialist Training (ST) interview; you are on call and you call a senior colleague in to perform an operation. You smell alcohol on the breath of the surgeon, so what...

My experience of addiction

In this incredibly honest and thought-provoking article, we hear from an anonymous doctor who has struggled with addiction. The nature of addiction is a subject of interest to a broad range of scientific disciplines, from medicine to psychology, psychotherapy and...

Be sober to stay on your feet

Readers would either have had a personal experience or observed the inelegant gait of the inebriated. Re-aligning the body during postural perturbations involves changes in head position, shoulders, and hip, knee and ankle joints. The main hypothesis of this study...

Oral hygiene and its interaction with standard of education on the risk of oral cancer in women

Oral cancer in women has an increasing incidence in China, although the majority of Chinese women don’t smoke or drink alcohol. Poor oral hygiene has been shown in previous studies to be a risk factor in the development of oral...

Risk of second primary cancer among patients with head and neck cancers

Patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) have an elevated risk of developing a second primary malignant neoplasm (SPMN). These are of increasing concern because the number of survivors of HNSCC has been growing owing to early detection...

Drinks in Newcastle, Australia

This paper assesses patients presenting with oral and maxillofacial trauma over a 13-year period spanning January 2003 to December 2015. During this period of time, in March 2008, trading hours and conditions of service were restricted within the Newcastle central...

Concussion and isolated mandible fractures – are we asking the right questions?

Concussion and isolated mandible fractures – are we asking the right questions? The mandible is one of the most commonly fractured craniofacial bones. A significant force is required to bring this about. Hence the authors hypothesised that concussion after a...

Assessment of the incidence of LPR in the Greek population using the Reflux Symptom Index

Using the self-administered nine-item Belafsky Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) questionnaire, the authors of this article assessed the prevalence of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) in the general adult Greek population as well as predisposing and associated factors for developing LPR. They found...

Smell and mental health

This national survey from Korea asked questions about many aspects of health and one of these was about sense of smell. The prevalence of olfactory problems was 5% in the adult group surveyed, and other studies would suggest that this...