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Mobile apps for ENT emergencies

On-call apps have been covered in this publication before, with reference apps taking centre stage [1]. This article will focus on apps with specific functions which can be of use in frequently arising emergency scenarios. However, for reference apps I...

Tinnitus apps (revisited)

If you’ve experienced an uptick in the number of your patients complaining of tinnitus lately, you are not alone. In fact, there is some evidence that the social and emotional strain of the ongoing pandemic many exacerbate tinnitus for existing...

Gain conversational confidence with these apps

As an audiologist, I tend to prioritise a sensory approach to aural rehabilitation by improving auditory function through use of devices, such as hearing aids. However, some patients might require a more multi-faceted approach. To expand my patient resource toolkit,...

On-call ENT apps

ENT apps for trainees are few and far between. Here are a couple of them which could be useful for the on-call. Born out of the website with the same name, this app is a must-have if you work...

Mobile apps for audiological screening

This article summarises the newly emerging mobile applications for audiological screening. The purpose is to try to reduce the time between individuals identifying a hearing problem and seeking help for it. These apps are gaining in popularity and recognition. The...

Apps in allergic rhinitis

Utilising smart-phone applications to gather data is an expanding field in medicine. However, it is not without limitations including bias. The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) introduced the Allergy Diary application as part of...

Hearing test apps: how reliable are they?

There are seemingly hundreds of hearing test apps available, designed to be a screening tool for those interested in learning more about their hearing while doing so in the comfort of their home and without needing to wait for an...

Remote care apps: comparing the options

With much of the world in full or partial lockdown and social-distancing measures in full swing, the COVID-19 crisis has sparked renewed interest in remote teleaudiology services. Modern teleaudiology platforms, now offered by all major hearing aid brands, offer audiologists...

Communication in the age of universal masking: speech-to-text apps to the rescue

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has touched nearly every aspect of our lives, including how we interact with patients. At this point, it is almost hard to remember a time when we didn’t have to wear masks during clinical encounters. Though...

Pollen forecasting apps: don’t worry, bee happy!

Hay fever sufferers rejoice! Around a fifth of people in the UK self-report to having hay fever (allergic rhinitis). In the majority of cases, this is thought to be a sensitivity to grass pollen. Symptoms may present as nasal congestion,...

The future of audiology rehabilitation? Smartphone apps to collect real-world experiences and support clinical decision-making

Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is gaining momentum in the world of connected hearing healthcare and real-world assessment. Barbra Timmer explains how EMA will play a key role in transforming the information that clinicians use in decision-making and measuring outcomes. Did...

Tinnitus? There’s an app for that

Chronic tinnitus. It is difficult to treat and can have a debilitating impact on those who suffer from it. To date, there is no treatment that is guaranteed to make tinnitus go away, though there are several existing treatments that...