You searched for "cochlea"

1053 results found

What’s new in the cochlea?

Prof Furness in this article rounds up the steps and leaps being made by the scientific community to develop therapies to support, rejuvenate and / or replace the cochlear structures. David’s electron microscope images of the cochlear structures are world...

Early cochlear implant activation and its effects on the cochlea

In this article, Alhabib et al consider the changes to electrode impedance with early device activation (day one) compared to conventional activation (day 30). Activation at day 30 is a cautious approach, which has been popular for many years. However,...

Beats of Cochlea: the 10th International Music Festival for Youths with Hearing Problems

The 10th International Music Festival for Youths with Hearing Problems Beats of Cochlea was held on 10-12 July 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. The festival is an initiative that gathers people of all ages, amateurs and professional musicians, from various countries with different types of auditory implants in one place and time to participate in a music competition, which ends with a gala concert of laureates.

Is there hope of hearing for postmeningitic patients deemed unsuitable for a cochlear implant?

Rehabilitation of patients with profound hearing loss deemed unsuitable for cochlear implants is challenging. An auditory brainstem implant (ABI) is a viable option for these patients. This paper evaluates auditory and speech perception outcome measures following ABI in 10 postmeningitic...

Recording of electrode voltages (REVS) to determine extra-cochlear electrodes

Determining whether electrodes are sitting within the cochlea can be difficult as the checks run by the programming software cannot always determine this. In some cases, patients may be unable to give the audiologist detailed feedback which can complicate the...

N-acetylcysteine may have a role in the protection of cochlear hair cells

Gentamycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic which is widely used throughout the world, despite its ototoxic potential. It therefore seems wise to continue the search for accessible otoprotective agents. The aim of this study was to clarify the potential protective role...

Cochlear Implants, Third Edition

Cochlear Implants is now in its third edition with the last addition being published in 2006. With the third edition being published in 2014 there have been eight years of development and research to take in to account and as...

Another use for Tisseel – plugging of the round window

After insertion of a cochlear implant electrode through the round window, there are several methods of sealing the perilymph leak and in my experience fascia (with varying amounts of attached muscle) seems to be most commonly used. Stephen O’Leary’s group...

Taking a fresh look at otoacoustic emissions

So what has changed in four decades of OAEs? Do we now have all the answers? Have we reached our optimum recording ability? Professor Kemp explains what we know, what we don’t know and what’s to come. In the 40...

What’s new in implantable devices? New indications in cochlear implantation

For over 40 years, cochlear implant procedures have steadily increased. Outcomes for patients are improving as a result of modified surgical techniques, a wider portfolio of electrode arrays, advances in programming strategies, access to improved technology and a better understanding...

X-ray vs. intraoperative testing for determining cochlear implant placement

Most cochlear implant centres confirm electrode position after surgery using X-rays to ensure optimal electrode placement. As well as transorbital view X-rays, this team check placement using impedance measures and neural response telemetry (NRT) performed intraoperatively. The former indicates whether...

Dead regions in patients with cochlear implants

The very nature of a dead region (DR) in a cochlea means that they are often found in patients who are eligible for cochlear implants. However, a variety of different hearing configurations are found in those with DRs because of...