You searched for "cochlear"

714 results found

Can intraoperative electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses predict the outcome of cochlear implantation?

Electrophysiology during cochlear implant surgery remains an issue of debate among the various centres. In the present study, the latencies and quality of the eABR waveforms from 74 adult implanted patients were analysed. In addition, four children with severe cochlear...

How interaural level differences differ between children with bilateral cochlear implants and their normally-hearing peers

A group in the Netherlands investigated interaural level differences (ILDs) in children who were bilaterally implanted with cochlear implants (CIs) and compared their performance to their normally-hearing peers. ILDs are used to localise sound and rely on the high-frequency cues....

The decision-making process by parents of children with residual hearing who receive cochlear implants

It can be a difficult decision for parents whose children have residual hearing whether or not to undergo cochlear implantation. Their children may seem to be hearing with their hearing aids, and even in some cases can hear without aids....

Cochlear implanted children are more likely to have device failure if their balance function is impaired

We know that children with permanent hearing loss are more likely to have an associated balance problem. It is also thought that children with cochlear implants (CI) that fail do so because of an increased risk of falls and head...

Hidden hearing loss in humans: cochlear synaptopathy is superseded by cognitive effects when listening to speech in noise

Elizabeth Beach presents an overview of the recent research being undertaken at the National Acoustic Laboratories on speech in noise and its relationship to cochlear synaptopathy. Our team at the National Acoustic Laboratories (NAL) has been investigating hidden hearing loss...

Well drilling vs. subperiosteal pocket for cochlear implants – comparison of operative time, complications and cost-effectiveness

The choice of method for securing the receiver/stimulator (R/S) package during cochlear implant surgery is usually dependant on several factors, but primarily surgeon preference. The initial recommendation from manufacturers was to drill a bony well (WD technique) and use bony...

Supporting music listening through cochlear implant services – experience from a UK adult clinic on supporting musical engagement

The perception and enjoyment of music is central to many people’s lives. Harriet Crook (herself a cochlear implant recipient) tells us about important work in this area for people using hearing aids and CIs. There is now a wealth of...

Charitable hearing care in Pakistan: establishing the IMRA Cochlear Implant Programme and Middle Ear Project

IMRA, the International Medical Relief Agency, is a registered charity providing volunteer-delivered cochlear implant and major ear surgery to children and adults in Pakistan. Established in 2001 by UK-based ENT surgeons led by Mr Haroon Khan, its primary aim is...

Cochlear implantation in adults has a positive impact on overall cognitive function as early as six months postop

The link between improving hearing and thus improving cognition is an important emerging area of research in hearing rehabilitation, due to the independent association between hearing loss and dementia. This study uses visually assessed neurocognitive tests of working memory, information...

Systematic review and meta-analysis showing benefit of cochlear implantation in adults with single-sided deafness

This article presents results of a systematic review and meta-analysis to further investigate the impact of unilateral cochlear implantation (CI) in adults with single-sided deafness (SSD) with regards to speech perception in quiet and noise, tinnitus, sound localisation and quality...

Prestigious Global Engineering Medals Awarded to Cochlear Implant Inventors Ingeborg and Erwin Hochmair

Austrian cochlear implant pioneers, Dr Ingeborg Hochmair and Prof Erwin Hochmair have been granted the 2023 IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal for their outstanding contribution to communication and engineering.

Free online music training for cochlear implant users: MELUDIA & MED-EL

Hearing implant users, caregivers and hearing experts can now access a free musical online training that was curated with a special focus on CI users.