You searched for "coronavirus"

70 results found

Coronavirus: leading surgeon calls for 'Covid-free hubs' to treat cancer patients

Professor Michael Griffin said cancer surgeons are facing 'an impossibly difficult question' of whether to operate amid the coronavirus outbreak. CLICK HERE

Olfactory and gustatory recovery in coronavirus patients after six months

It remains unclear for how long olfactory and gustatory losses persevere in patients with COVID-19. This is a prospective study of 300 patients who lost taste and smell within seven days of contracting COVID-19. The patients were objectively assessed with...

Effects of coronavirus pandemic on presentation of head and neck cancer patients

The COVID-19 pandemic caused unprecedented disruption of NHS services. This was compounded by patients’ reluctance to attend hospitals at that time. How this affected the presentation of patients with head and neck cancer is the subject of this study. Head...

Coronavirus: Raspberry Pi-powered ventilator to be tested in Colombia

  A team in Colombia is to test a ventilator made with a Raspberry Pi computer and easy-to-source parts. CLICK HERE

Coronavirus: Ventilator built by Airbus and F1 approved

  Image courtesy of BBC   The first new medical ventilator to treat people with severe symptoms of Covid-19 has been approved in the UK. CLICK HERE

Organisers announce cancellation of European Audiologist of the Year Award in response to coronavirus COVID-19

The annual European Audiologist of the Year awards event was due to be held later this year. Officials have announced...

COVID-19 Audiology Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will be updated as and when more become available. April 2021 - Robert M DiSogra. COVID-19 Survey: Disposing of Cerumen from Patients with a Positive History...

Assessment of viral aetiology in the formation of nasal polyps

The exact aetiology of nasal polyposis is not yet established although it is believed that allergic, infectious, mechanical, immunological and biochemical factors may be involved. Using the technique of polymerase chain reaction, this study assesses the role of human adenovirus,...

Covid-19 Tips and insights

The following blog articles have been kindly provided by Eric Levi. For more from Eric Levi, visit COVID19 affects everyone Posted on 01/04/2020 by Eric Levi Here’s a report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention looking at...

COVID-19 ENT Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will be updated as and when more become available. 1 June - BLA & ENT UK Guidelines (endorsed by RCSLT) : A graduated return to elective...

From the editor JulAug 2020

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Editor, ENT & Audiology News; Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: When I sat down to write my introductory welcome piece two months ago, the UK was...

Sniffing out the evidence – COVID-19 and loss of sense of smell and taste

Louis Pasteur once observed: “In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind.” Professor Hopkins was certainly prepared when a few anecdotes of smell problems started to accumulate early in the pandemic’s course. Post-viral olfactory loss is nothing...