You searched for "nasal septal"

15 results found

Nasal septal perforation repair

Nasal septal perforation repair has traditionally been a great challenge. Many surgical techniques are described, however the success rate of closure has often been poor. Experience from the use of pedicled vascularised mucosal flaps in skull base surgery has been...

Importance of nasal septal cartilage perichondrium for septum strength mechanics: a cadaveric study

This experimental cadaver study aimed to investigate the biomechanical qualities of the perichondrium and cartilage, and to determine the strength of the septal cartilage against bending forces. The nasal septal cartilages of 14 fresh cadavers (eight hours post-mortem) without nasal...

Do nasal septal deviation and septoplasy affect Eustachian tube function?

The authors suggest that nasal septal deviation (NSD) or septoplasty possibly affect Eustachian tube (ET) function. They conclude this from their prospective study on 25 patients who underwent septoplasty for NSD. These patients aged above 14 years had no other...

Closure of septal perforations

This Belgian retrospective observational study looked at the success rate and predictive factors for success when bilateral advancement flaps were used via an external approach. In total, 111 patients were included in the study over a 16-year period. The mean...

Multi-layered repair of lateral sphenoid CSF rhinorrhoea

This case series describes the author’s results with repairing lateral sphenoid encephalocoeles in seven patients. Alloderm inlay with abdominal fat onlay and nasoseptal flap onlay repair resulted in a 100% success rate with no recurrence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhoea,...

Sellar surgery – when to prepare for repair

Endoscopic sellar surgery, especially for adenomas, is a relatively safe, straightforward surgery with (mostly) reproducible results and few complications. One of the commonest complications is the creation of a CSF leak with the subsequent need for repair (there is usually...

Which factors affect the postoperative CSF leak following endoscopic skull base surgery?

Endoscopic skull base surgery is being increasingly performed worldwide for skull base tumours. Common indications include pituitary tumours, rathke cleft cysts, chordomas, craniopharyngiomas and olfactory neuroblastomas. The most common and important complication following endoscopic skull base surgery is postoperative CSF...

Does middle turbinate resection affect olfaction in endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery?

The middle turbinates (MT) are sometimes partially resected during endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal pituitary surgery to improve surgical access. Some outfracture the middle turbinates instead. This article presents results of the first prospective randomised study, investigating the effects of such surgery...

Olfactory protective effect of omega-3 supplements during healing after endoscopic sellar and parasellar resection

This multicentre study, led by researchers from Stanford, demonstrates another use for omega-3 supplements. The study analysed cohorts equally divided between control arm and omega-3 supplementation. Post endoscopic sellar and parasellar resection, better olfactory function was observed at three and...

Managing spontaneous CSF leaks secondary to benign intracranial hypertension

Spontaneous CSF leaks are a rare entity. In this paper, a Spanish group report their experience managing the condition using endoscopic surgery in 35 patients over an eight year period. Leak locations included the cribriform plate (18/35), ethmoid roof (15/35)...

Paediatric pituitary surgery - is it lagging behind?

Endoscopic sellar surgery, especially for adenomas, is a relatively safe, straightforward surgery with (mostly) reproducible results and few complications. However, the evolution of pituitary surgery was a long process, starting from open/transfrontal approaches all the way to transsphenoid to the...

Anterior skull-base surgery: current opinion

This review examines the changes in the field of anterior skull-base surgery and the rapid advancement that has taken place in the last 10–15 years. Tumours of the anterior skull base that were once considered inoperable are now routinely resected...
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