You searched for "nasopharynx"

116 results found

Nasal packing after septoplasty

This Turkish study aimed to investigate the effects of different types of nasal packings on middle ear pressure in patients undergoing septoplasty. The authors reference several articles that describe eustachian tube dysfunction, temporary ear fullness and mild pain due to...

Use of tranexamic acid in ENT surgery

Postoperative bleeding in otolaryngologic procedures causes delayed discharge, requires re-admission and adds considerably to the cost of patient care. Whether the anti-fibrinolytic activity of tranexamic acid should be used routinely to prevent haemorrhagic complications after ENT operations is speculation but...

The unknown primary again

In this retrospective study of 35 patients, the authors followed a systematic protocol for the detection and management of malignant cervical lymph nodes without an apparent primary lesion. Although their one, three and five year survival results are consistent with...

Anatomy revision

This article is well-received as an article that goes into appropriate length and depth regarding the embryology and subsequent growth of the paediatric nose (internal and external), nasopharynx and all of the individual sinuses. It has excellent line diagrams of...

Lateral wall augmentation for patulous eustachian tube

The problem more commonly attributed to the eustachian tube is lack of its patency rather than it being unduly patulous. This lesser recognised condition is due to loss of peritubal fat volume resulting in concavity of the lateral wall and...

Robotic Head and Neck Surgery: The Essential Guide

This is a very well-written textbook of robotic surgery in the field of head and neck, written by world-renowned specialists. The book covers the topics of training and education and application of robotic surgery in the management of both benign...

Red flag head and neck cancer symptoms

This was a prospective study of 1589 patients that were enrolled in the Scottish Audit of Head and Neck Cancer between 1999 and 2001. It recorded their presenting symptoms and assessed their long-term survival with respect to symptoms and subsites...

Comprehensive Techniques in CSF leak repair and skull base reconstruction

This book certainly does what it says on the tin, and covers its subject very comprehensively. Normally a topic covered by a single chapter in a rhinology or skull base surgery textbook, this book offers 17 chapters on all aspects...

In conversation with Professor Valerie J Lund CBE

Valerie Lund is Professor of Rhinology at the Ear Institute, University College London and is an Honorary Consultant ENT Surgeon at the Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital (Royal Free Trust), Moorfields Eye Hospital, University College Hospital and Imperial...

Importance of the time interval between surgery and postoperative radiation therapy in head and neck cancer

The ideal time to start postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) in head and neck cancer patients has been an issue of debate. In the USA, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) recommends initiating radiotherapy within six weeks from surgery. The six-week...

All about velopharyngeal dysfunction

The velopharynx functionally separates the oral from the nasal cavities. Inadequate or abnormal function of this muscular valve affects speech and swallow. Velopharyngeal dysfunction can be subdivided into insufficiency, incompetence and mislearning. This is a review paper and indeed a...

Nasal physiology and septal perforations

This interesting article from North Carolina and New York aims to assess the impact of anterior septal perforations on nasal physiology, using computational fluid dynamics and computer simulation. A computerised 3D model was constructed of a normal patient aged 37,...