You searched for "parathyroidectomy"

170 results found

Reconstruction after parotid surgery

This is a retrospective study from Naples, Italy. The authors compare patients with benign parotid disease that were reconstructed with three different techniques. In total 224 patients between February 2002 and March 2009 were included; these patients had either formal...

Facial paralysis risk factors in benign parotid surgery

The literature shows that the risk of facial paralysis following benign parotid surgery can be as high as 57% for temporary weakness and 7% for permanent facial nerve damage. It is generally thought that the factors involved may be related...

Dysphagia in complex laryngology – maintaining the balance

These authors from the speech and language therapy department at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, describe their view of a patient-centred approach to managing dysphagia in complex laryngology. Careful consideration of the balance of airway, voice and swallow, which is...

Advances in surgical innovation for head and neck cancer

This article reviews current advances in surgical treatment of head and neck cancers such as sentinel node biopsy, stereolithic modelling, transoral robotic surgery and intra-operative imaging of tumour margins. Sentinel node biopsy has been found to be especially useful for...

Outpatient closure of CSF leaks: a good idea or a step too far?

After day-case septoplasty, day case thyroidectomy, now day case CSF leak repair – has the pendulum moved too far? The authors put forward a convincing case for what, only 10 years ago, would have sounded like a provocation. They quote...

Expanding the role of FNA in thyroid nodule decision-making

Papillary thyroid cancer, the commonest histological type, has been extensively reported as having BRAF proto-oncogene mutations (most commonly the V600E mutation). There is great interest in BRAF as a molecular marker, particularly as a prognostic factor that may guide the...

The benefits of early voice therapy for unilateral vocal cord paralysis

This retrospective review of voice outcomes following a diagnosis of unilateral vocal fold paralysis divided patients into three groups according to the time of initiation of voice therapy following the onset of paralysis. The ‘early’ group started voice therapy within...

Monstrous craws and horrid butchery: a concise history of thyroid surgery

Prior to the foundation of our speciality, thyroid surgery had a dubious reputation and universally dismal outcomes. Jenny Walton casts a critical eye over this dark chapter. Diseases of the thyroid gland have been referenced in historic texts for well...

50 Landmark Papers Every Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgeon Should Know

The motto ‘publish or perish’ has never been more fervently adopted globally than in the present age. Indeed, the preface of this book observes that between 2016 and 2019, “approximately one paper [was published] every 4 minutes”. In this ocean...

Surgical challenges in advanced or recurrent thyroid malignancy

The management of thyroid malignancy and extent of surgery is controversial, especially considering the limitations of preoperative diagnosis. Neil Tolley provides guidance and reminds us of our responsibility not to over-treat. In the UK, 16% of thyroidectomies are performed for...

Facial reanimation

Non-conservative surgery in the parotid region results in a devastating complete facial paralysis (as with other causes of persistent facial palsy). Lengthening temporalis myoplasty is one of the available rehabilitating techniques. This is a series of 15 patients who had...

The push towards scarless parotid surgery

When dealing with benign parotid pathology, high expectations are placed on the operating surgeon to preserve key neurovascular structures, especially the animating facial nerve, through meticulous dissection. With time, there has been a greater emphasis on improving cosmesis in parotid...