You searched for "registry"

685 results found

Selective upper airway stimulation

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is one of the most common diseases in industrialised countries and is characterised by an intermittent obstruction of the upper airway during sleep. The standard treatment for OSA is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which...

Multidisciplinary airway simulation workshops: ‘preparing your team for the difficult airway’

Can human factor issues be better addressed within a multidisciplinary learning environment? Would this improve team working and patient outcomes? Are these important training considerations? Mona Thornton discusses the experience of a multidisciplinary simulation airway workshop in the unit she...

JLO surgical video: right selective neck dissection levels 2-5

Surgical training has become more challenging following the introduction of the European Working Time Directive. The consequences of reducing the amount of time we operate has driven us to look for other resources to fill this gap. These initially began...

ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide

This book provides a step-by-step operative guide for over 40 common otorhinolaryngological procedures. One would expect a door stop of a book, however the authors have purposefully kept each section succinct and colourful with an easy to read font. As...

Clinical leadership and management: the ‘Darzi’ experience

The Fellowship in Clinical Leadership programme, more commonly known as the ‘Darzi Fellowship,’ commenced in 2009. It was designed to provide junior doctors at the registrar level with postgraduate training in clinical leadership and change management in order to develop...

Key Clinical Topics in Otolaryngology

I am a ST6 registrar and, to review this book, I decided to use it as my primary revision guide for the exam and it did not disappoint. This book has all the hallmarks of a great adjunct for the...

The Patrick (Pat) Bradley Scholarship

The inaugural Patrick (Pat) Bradley Trainee Scholarship was launched at the recent regional East Midlands Cadaveric Dissection Course. Alex Charlton, an ST7 registrar on the East Midlands rotation will be the first recipient of this prestigious award.

Assessment in ENT: Intra-operative videos

An article examining the reliability and validity of remote scoring; a video assessment of myringotomy and grommet insertion. The primary outcome measures were to determine construct validity (differentiating between different grades of surgeons) and reliability of video scoring. Unfortunately, the...

Bringing space science to balance and tinnitus

Jameel Muzaffar is a specialist registrar in ENT surgery in the West Midlands. His research interests include applications of imaging to ENT. Chris Coulson is a consultant otologist, particularly interested in the development of technological solutions. He is part of...

A global online fellowship in head and neck surgery and oncology

The International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies (IFHNOS) offers an online fellowship training programme for advanced trainees wishing to subspecialise in head and neck surgery and oncology. Emma Stapleton speaks with the Chairman of the Board of Directors...

In conversation with John Carlisle: the silent hero shaping medical publication integrity

Have you ever been curious as to what your anaesthetist is getting up to on their laptop during long cases? Me neither, but I always generally assumed they were trading Bitcoin, solving the Riemann hypothesis and buffing their Tinder profile....

In conversation with John Carlisle: the silent hero shaping medical publication integrity

Have you ever been curious as to what your anaesthetist is getting up to on their laptop during long cases? Me neither, but I always generally assumed they were trading Bitcoin, solving the Riemann hypothesis and buffing their Tinder profile....