You searched for "research"

2052 results found

In conversation with Professor Valentina Parma, Head of GCCR

Smell has long been regarded as the Cinderella of the senses, oft neglected by clinicians, the research community and lay public. The Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research looks to change all that. Our roving reporter, Abigail Walker, talks to its...

In conversation with Professor Valentina Parma, Head of GCCR

Smell has long been regarded as the Cinderella of the senses, oft neglected by clinicians, the research community and lay public. The Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research looks to change all that. Our roving reporter, Abigail Walker, talks to its...

OBITUARY: Peter Rhys Evans (1948–2022)

On 3 June 2022, we lost a widely recognised and respected ENT/head and neck surgeon, Mr Peter Rhys Evans.

I saw it on the internet: gathering evidence for clinical decision making

Evidence-based practice is often described as the integration of three sources of information to inform clinical practice, namely: 1) research evidence/practice guidelines; 2) client preferences/needs, and: 3) clinical experience. Speech and language therapists have reported a lack of time and...

APAM (Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland) 118th Annual Meeting 2025

Welcome to APAM 2025 - What Awaits? APAM 2025, the 118th Annual Meeting of the AoPGBI, will take place on 3–4 April 2025 at the Royal College of Physicians in London. This prestigious event will bring together leading clinicians, researchers,...

Leadership in academia

I went into medicine with the clichéd view of wanting to help people. I found that by doing surgery I could help a small number of people, albeit usually to a large effect. Then, I recognised that by engaging in...

Hearing and balance clinical trials network (HEARING CTN)

About the HEARING CTN The HEARING CTN is a new UK research network focused on promoting research collaboration and supporting high quality research studies, with the aim of improving the evidence supporting the diagnosis and management of hearing loss and...

CBT for tinnitus and hyperacusis

Finding an efficient treatment for tinnitus attracts the interest of researchers worldwide. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the widely researched methods used in tinnitus management. The aim of this study was to investigate what proportion of patients complete...

Empty Nose Syndrome: Evidence Based Proposals for Inferior Turbinate Management

To cut or not to cut, that is the question… The authors of Empty Nose Syndrome emphatically implore the reader to spare the inferior turbinate, lest they cause patients this undue misery! This book is a thought-provoking journey through the...

Funding your otolaryngology / audiology idea by partnering with 
the US Department of Defense

The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has been an effective partner in many of our current medical technology advancements, from the surgical robot, to improved clotting wound dressings, to better blood products. For the otolaryngology and audiology entrepreneur looking...

A new clinical device to monitor nasal blockage

Chia-Hung Li, a Medical Device PhD student from University College London’s (UCL) Institute of Healthcare Engineering, is currently leading a PhD project to develop a clinical device to monitor nasal blockage. Jo Rimmer spoke to him about what he is...

Database WG2. The Tinnitus Patient Database in the TINNET COST Action BM1306

Berthold Langguth describes an innovative project that is creating the world’s largest multi-national patient database containing standardised information on tinnitus and medical history, otological examination and psycho-acoustic measures of tinnitus. A challenge for tinnitus treatment and tinnitus research is the...