You searched for "rhinoplasty"

558 results found

Preservation rhinoplasty

Hump reduction and osteotomies to close the open roof, or lowering the whole nasal dorsum? Charles East explains how preservation techniques can improve outcomes by maintaining the integral structures of the nose. What is preservation rhinoplasty? The origins of reduction...

The tip in rhinoplasty

Getting the tip right (both its position and its shape) is vital in rhinoplasty. George Marcells eloquently gives us his perspective on how to get it right. “Many surgeons overly concentrate on the profile at the expense of the frontal...

Rhinoplasty: The Expert’s Reference

This is a comprehensive rhinoplasty text book written by over 100 renowned worldwide specialists, edited by Anthony Sclafani. With some 80 chapters and close to 700 pages, it is a sizeable volume. The book aims to cover all aspects of...

Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global Masters

This well-written, beautifully illustrated two-volume book, along with its accompanying ebook version and videos, provides a comprehensive guide to the approach and techniques in secondary rhinoplasty. It builds on the knowledge and concepts in the world-renowned Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery...

ENT in this issue...Rhinoplasty

Joanne Rimmer, MBBS, MA(Hons)Cantab, FRCS(ORL‑HNS), Consultant Otolaryngologist / Rhinologist, Monash Health, Melbourne, Australia. E: Rhinoplasty may be done purely for aesthetic reasons, as an essential part of a functional septorhinoplasty, or for a combination of both cosmetic and functional...

Turbinate reduction in rhinoplasty patients

Rhinoplasty surgery is performed by both plastic and otorhinolaryngology surgeons using varying approaches and methods for both functional and cosmetic reasons. This plastic surgery article identified that inferior turbinate hypertrophy is often encountered during rhinoplasty surgery and a New York...

Rhinoplasty: state-of-the-art

Rhinoplasty surgery has evolved over the years, and Pietro Palma introduces a further new concept. When flicking through the topics of major rhinoplasty meetings, the astute observer will realise that, at present, there are two mainstream schools of rhinoplasty, which...

How satisfying can a rhinoplasty be?

Rhinoplasty has seen an exponential rise in its uptake over the last few decades globally, offering patients a way to surgically correct the external appearance of the nose with the aim to improve cosmesis. Whilst the success of the procedure...

The future of facial plastics and rhinoplasty

Interest in facial plastic surgery and in particular rhinoplasty has never been greater. From his wealth of experience in the field, Professor Palma outlines the potential problems of this increasing popularity and how they may be addressed, areas on which...

Performing ethnic aesthetic rhinoplasty

This article reviews principles of performing rhinoplasty in non-Caucasian patients, exploring patient expectations based on differences in race, ethnicity and culture. One of the main challenges is a lack of well-established ideal facial measurements for different non-Caucasian groups. The authors...

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Some patients would like to alter the appearance of their nose without surgery or make further subtle changes after a rhinoplasty. Lydia Badia explains how this can be done, thanks to the advent of injectable fillers. This medical procedure in...

Sushruta and Indian rhinoplasty

Vijay Pothula explains rhinoplasty’s roots in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine, and how it was introduced to the Western world. In 1794 The Gentleman’s Magazine published a surgical operation which was long established in India but unknown in Europe [1]. A...