Recent advances in the diagnosis of silent reflux

The vexed topic of reflux always generates much discussion, particularly when it comes to testing. We hear about a non-invasive assay that is gaining in popularity. Voice disorders impact around four percent of the UK population and can significantly hamper...

Patient initiated follow-up in head and neck cancer

Is it time for a change in the way we follow up head and neck cancer patients after treatment? Paul Nankivell and Hisham Mehanna explain the rationale for the PETNECK2 trial. After completion of curative intent treatment, clinical follow-up currently...

Frederik Dikkers: championing change in laryngology

Prof Dikkers shares the details of his journey into ENT surgery, his dedication to treating laryngeal papillomatosis, and his pioneering advancements in button battery safety. Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is one of the most frustrating conditions managed by laryngologists. There...

Endotypes in chronic rhinosinusitis: clinical relevance

Identifying endotypes enables personalised therapies that target specific pathophysiological processes, potentially resulting in better treatment outcomes for patients. The contemporary model of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) pathogenesis revolving around endotype, in combination with an expanding toolbox of diagnostics and therapeutics, enables...

Robert Vincent: otologie sans frontières

Chris Aldren speaks to French ear surgeon Robert Vincent who’s particularly proud of forming a global otologist network providing free resources for education and patient care worldwide. Robert Vincent Robert, who have been your otological mentors? I did my initial...