You searched for "BACO"

500 results found

From trauma to recovery: treatment at Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre

This year (2014) is the centenary year of the beginning of the Great War. This conflict brought with it a cluster of emotional disorders that were called at the time, Shell-Shock. The present conflict in Afghanistan has been talked of...

AUDIOLOGY - In conversation with Chris Mennan: A patient’s perspective on 
single-sided deafness

Chris Mennan is a retired policeman and started working as an Audiology Technical Officer at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust in 2012. In this article he speaks to ENT and Audiology News Features Editor, Alex Griffiths-Brown, about his...

Vicarious (nasal) menstruation

Hippocrates himself is known to have said that when a woman’s menses are due, but instead of the usual vaginal menstrual flow, she has a haemorrhage from the nose, then this is a sure sign of pregnancy [1]. Artist’s impression...

In conversation with Emma Stapleton, winner of the Hunter Doig Medal 2022

The Hunter Doig Medal is awarded once every two years to a female Fellow or Member of the Royal College of the Surgeons of Edinburgh who has demonstrated outstanding career potential and ambition. The medal is named after two female surgeons, Alice Headwards-Hunter and Caroline Doig.

Insight into an Indian-trained ENT specialist working in the UK

With international fellowships becoming more commonplace for gaining subspecialty experience, the authors describe the pros and cons of a UK fellowship and summarise the differences they have noticed in training and clinical practice between India and the UK. Otorhinolaryngology, or...

Guillotines from Joseph‑Ignace Guillotin to Greenfield Sluder

Joseph‑Ignace Guillotin. The politician and physician Joseph-Ignace Guillotin (1738-1814) was so disgusted by brutal head and shoulder injuries sustained in ‘failed attempts’ by drunken axe-wielding executioners during the French Revolution that he and surgeon Antoine Louis (1723-1792) advocated not only...

How the earwig got its name

What are earwigs, and how are they connected with the ear? Amr Abdelhamid explains the etymology, myths and beliefs behind the pesky creature with the otological name. Earwigs are harmless insects of the order Dermaptera that are amongst the most...

Cambodian Otology Fellowship report

Further to a Humanitarian News article published in the November/December 2014 issue of ENT and Audiology News (see article here), this is a report of Charlie Huins’ six-month experience as the first ENT Fellow at the Children’s Surgical Centre (CSC),...

Audiovisual antics – now you see it, now you don’t

This series of stories is dedicated to those of you with whom some of these moments were shared (or endured) and, above all, to my amazing and long-suffering husband, David Howard. Most of you know him as an exceptional head...

4th Annual Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit

Terrri Gaskell, Chief Technology Officer, Rinri TherapueticsHeld in Boston, USA, this was an essential gathering that captured the growing excitement in both the biotech and clinical communities surrounding the rapid advancements in hearing loss therapies. With the potential to significantly...

Interview with Mr Vasant Oswal, Emeritus Consultant ENT H&N Surgeon

British Medical Laser Association (BMLA) held its 39th annual conference, the first in-person gathering following the COVID-19 pandemic, in the academic surrounding of the Surgeons’ Quarters of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. Chris Henson caught up with 87-year-old...

What’s in a name?

Kate Granger is a doctor and the founder of the #hellomynameis campaign; she is also a cancer patient. In this article she explains why she started the campaign, and why patient-centred care starts with an introduction. Chris and me the...