You searched for "BACO"

491 results found

The role of metrics in studies of hearing and cognition

Introduction When perceiving sounds in real-world listening environments, older adults encounter several sources of degradation that can interfere with the perceptual process (Figure 1). Target signals (i.e. the sounds that a listener wants to focus on) have specific acoustic characteristics...

Returning to practice

Here, we provide a combination of written guidelines, podcasts and videos providing information on returning to practice and elective services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Resources will be updated as and when they become available. - Guidelines - 7 July -...

The Graham Fraser Foundation

Graham Fraser (1936-94) was a pioneering otolaryngologist, in whose memory the Graham Fraser Foundation was set up, and an eponymous annual lecture and a travelling fellowship in otology were established. It’s an honour to profile the Foundation in this extended...

The ear-brain connection: the role of cognition in neural speech processing

Audiologists and other hearing healthcare professionals have become increasingly interested in the importance of cognitive function in the assessment and management of hearing loss, especially in light of evidence suggesting a link between hearing loss and cognitive decline in older...

The Airway Intervention Registry: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (AIR: RRP) data collection

Laryngeal papillomatosis remains a frustratingly difficult condition to treat. Adam Donne and Steven Powell tells us about a collaborative project aiming to enhance patient care. The first UK Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis registry opened in April 2018 through the AIR (Airway...

COVID-19 and ENT training: experiences from around the world

Here, ENT trainees share their experiences of adaptations to both clinical practice and training during the COVID-19 pandemic. We welcome other colleagues from around the world to share their experiences with us via social media or the website. Australia Olivia...

Outreach to build capacity for surgical ear care in low-resource settings: challenges and opportunities

There are successful models for delivering complex ear surgery where resources may be more limited. Ear, nose and throat conditions are frequently overlooked when global health issues are considered, but hearing loss is the world’s most common sensory deficit, and...

Outreach to build capacity for surgical ear care in low-resource settings: challenges and opportunities

There are successful models for delivering complex ear surgery where resources may be more limited. Ear, nose and throat conditions are frequently overlooked when global health issues are considered, but hearing loss is the world’s most common sensory deficit, and...

Rotational chair testing: “To rotate, or not to rotate, that is the real question”

Passive whole body rotation tests are widely considered to be the ‘gold standard’ for the identification of bilateral peripheral vestibular disorders (bPVD), but also have a part to play in identifying unilateral disorders (uPVD). In this article Paul Radomskij discusses...

In conversation with Ray Clarke: Scott-Brown – The Editors’ view…

Ray Clarke. How did you get involved in the forthcoming Scott-Brown ? How does one become editor of a textbook? Editors are approached and appointed by the publishers, but of course publishers will take advice and soundings from within the...

In conversation with Miss Sujata De: Chair of the ESPO 2023 Local Programme Committee

Su De is one of the UK’s most prominent paediatric ORL surgeons, and has a leading role in planning ESPO 2023. Hannah Emerson caught up with Su recently to explore some of her thoughts and her plans for ESPO. You’ve...

Endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy for bilateral vocal cord paralysis in neonates

We are delighted to publish a further update on the use of the technique for vocal fold lateralisation in neonates from Laszlo Rovo and Shahram Madani, who have previously informed us of this new technique [1]. These cases are rare...