You searched for "CI"

170 results found

Global CI Collaborative: Futures Forum - Webinar Series July 2020

In July 2020, the Global CI Collaborative launched a series of webinars to highlight the challenges and learnings COVID has brought to the cochlear implant world. COVID has changed healthcare practice globally, requiring rapid service reconfiguration and novel pathways to deliver cochlear implantation for all ages...

CIICA’s new resources: summaries of the CI information from the WHO World Report on Hearing

The new global network, CI International Community of Action (CIICA) has produced four summaries from the exciting and comprehensive World Report on Hearing 2021. These summarise the information and evidence about cochlear implants (CIs) included in the report which are...

CI Advocacy in Action 2025

Satisfaction levels in elderly patients with cochlear implants

Hearing rehabilitation in the elderly is of utmost importance as it is associated with depression and dementia in this age group. Cochlear implantation is indicated for hearing-impaired individuals who do not derive adequate benefit from conventional hearing aids. In this...

When you regret an implant!

Cochlear implants (CIs) offer a solution to hearing loss not helped by conventional hearing aids. CIs help in improving speech recognition scores. While significant, it is not sufficient to provide satisfaction in some implantees. Alignment between expectations and realistic outcomes...

Cochlear implant use in young children

There are clear and well-established links between those identified and fitted with amplification early and good spoken language outcomes, but how much does the time an appropriately fitted hearing instrument is used each day contribute to this? During the first...

Single sided deafness and cochlear implants

Cochlear implants (CI) can restore hearing in the profoundly deaf ear. Risk/ benefit and cost considerations dictate strict criteria that must be met for patients to be eligible. People with single-sided deafness are not eligible to receive a cochlear implant...