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Cochlear implants (CIs) offer a solution to hearing loss not helped by conventional hearing aids. CIs help in improving speech recognition scores. While significant, it is not sufficient to provide satisfaction in some implantees. Alignment between expectations and realistic outcomes is important in ensuring satisfaction. There are tools to assess that in CI candidates. A total of 128 adult cochlear implant patients completed pre-CI Quality of Life (CIQOL)-Expectations (19), pre-CI and at least six months post-CI CIQOL-35 Profile (20), and pre-CI and at least six months post-CI speech recognition scores. Two other questionnaires were posted to included patients to assess satisfaction and regret. Thirty-eight patients completed the posted questionnaires. Patients were found to have better positive effects (associated with better post-implant satisfaction) if their post-implant CIQOL scores were close to their preop ones. The same observation was not noted in those with improving speech recognition scores post implant. Interestingly, 29% of patients demonstrated decisional regret. Less regret was expressed by patients with aligned expectations/postop outcomes and in those with greater pre/postop improvement in CIQOL scores. There was a weak correlation between decisional regret and post-implant satisfaction. Authors concluded that patients with better alignment of their pre-CI expectations and post-CI outcomes and greater pre-/post-CIQOL improvement had lower decisional regret and higher satisfaction. This study helps in counselling patients, especially those who have multiple comorbidities that could increase surgical risks / increase chances of post-implant non-use. The retrospective nature and the small number of respondents dictate the need for more research on the topic.

Determinants of Cochlear Implant Satisfaction and Decisional Regret in Adult Cochlear Implant Users.
Shannon CM, Schvartz-Leyzac KC, Dubno JR, McRackan TR.
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Hassan Mohammed

North East Deanery, Newcastle, UK.

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