You searched for "COVID-19"

223 results found

The telemedicine genie is out of the bottle

Delivering healthcare interventions remotely is not a new concept. The authors of this article provide a brief history dating back to the 1930s, when the International Radio Medical Centre was established to transmit medical advice to global seafarers. In the...

How long is too long? Waiting times for speech and language therapy

Waiting lists are a reality of clinical practice, and many health and social care professionals become used to having to cope with this. The authors of this paper addressed this issue by examining written submissions to the 2014 Senate Inquiry...

Evidence-based clinical education

All healthcare professionals participate in education of students in both their own and other disciplines. It is part of our role and we are often used to squeezing it in and around our clinical responsibilities. In fact, the events during...

What do SLTs do in palliative care?

The authors of this article highlight that the number of older people has increased significantly in the last two decades, and the number of people over 85 has doubled in Australia since 1996. They attribute this to improved lifestyle factors...

Decreased paediatric myringotomy and insertion of ventilation tube rates during Covid 2019 pandemic

This study involves a province in Canada and claims that the need for paediatric myringotomy and insertion of grommets reduced to a third with public health measures aimed at reducing transmission of respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, in the Covid-19 pandemic....

Aerosol research and performance

Is singing safe? This was a question asked around the world at the start of the pandemic in early 2020. Natalie Watson and Chris Orton tell us about a rapidly-convened research group that led to profound changes in UK Government...

2020 Unmasked - By Behrad Barmayehvar

The face mask has become part of our lives; an essential item besides your mobile phone that you cannot leave the house without. The mask has also turned into a symbol for the communal resilience that we have all shown...

In conversation with Jeff Small and Navid Shahnaz

The impact of COVID-19 has been felt on all levels of society and deeply affected our lives. It has challenged us to find new ways of carrying on with our activities at home, work, and school. Jeff Small, Director and...

In conversation with Jeff Small and Navid Shahnaz

The impact of COVID-19 has been felt on all levels of society and deeply affected our lives. It has challenged us to find new ways of carrying on with our activities at home, work, and school. Jeff Small, Director and...

Running a post-COVID smell clinic

Over the past year, much of our effort as a speciality has been directed towards crisis management and keeping services afloat. Our practice has changed in untold ways, but unprecedented numbers of patients with smell disorders will increasingly require our...

In conversation with Professor Claire Hopkins

There can be few ENT surgeons who have had such a pivotal role in the COVID pandemic as Claire Hopkins. She has been instrumental in changing the diagnostic criteria, and has been a frequent presence in the media, as Sean...

From the editor MayJun 2020

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Editor, ENT & Audiology News; Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: We are living in extraordinary times. As I write this message, the COVID-19 pandemic is just...