You searched for "Ototoxicity"

98 results found

Antiseptics to combat otorrhea in the era of antibiotic resistance

This nice scientific paper pits various antiseptic solutions against each other to determine which has the most bactericidal properties. Five different antiseptics were applied to MRSA and quinolone-resistant pseudomonas species, which are both difficult to treat with conventional ototoxic medications....

Chemo-radiation in elderly patients with head and neck cancers

Chemo-radiotherapy is the standard of care for organ preservation in stage three and four oropharyngeal cancer, prospective data on patients over 65 has not been available as they are usually excluded from randomised trials. This paper reviews the experience of...

Impact of COVID-19 on ear surgeries

The authors review the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the practice of ear surgeries in this article. The pandemic has changed how we practise medicine and introduced new guidelines to ensure safety of healthcare personnel. Studies have demonstrated COVID-19...

Polypharmacy in the vestibular clinic

Polypharmacy is defined as the simultaneous use of five or more medications and its prevalence is increasing. Dizziness or vertigo are common side effects of polypharmacy. Despite advancements in patient data management, there remains limited information on polypharmacy in patients...

No soup for you…! Early identification of postoperative perforation increases the success of conservative management

Iatrogenic perforation of the hypopharynx or cervical oesophagus is a well-recognised life-threatening complication. Previous studies have demonstrated that conservative management with broad-spectrum antibiotics and withholding oral feeding may avoid morbidity associated with surgical repair. This study addresses when conservative management...

Hearing Conservation: In Occupational, Recreational, Educational, and Home Settings (1st edition)

Hearing Conservation was released in September 2011 by Vishakha Rawool, Professor of Audiology at West Virginia University. The book is intended for audiologists, researchers and graduate level students, as well as other professionals working in the fields of hearing conservation...

Cobalt hip implants and auditory-vestibular outcome

Cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr), metal-to-metal hip implants were commonly used until several side-effects were reported due to an increased level of Co and Cr metal ions in patients’ blood. Although this type of hip replacement was almost completely abandoned, there are still...

Are we screening enough? Genetics in adult-onset sensorineural hearing loss

Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in adults can be a result of multiple factors such as age, noise exposure and autoimmune pathology. In a group of patients, no cause is identified and the SNHL is treated as idiopathic. Authors evaluate the...

What are the risk factors for new onset tinnitus?

Factors associated with tinnitus have mainly been studied cross-sectionally. Tinnitus is associated with hearing loss, noise exposure, ototoxic medication, head and neck trauma, smoking and depression and anxiety. Only a few studies exist that report on risk factors for developing...

Newborn sensorineural hearing loss – what is the incidence?

In the last two decades, the introduction of newborn screening for hearing loss has dramatically lowered the average age of newborn hearing loss diagnosis to around two to three months of age. The benefits of early diagnosis are manifold, enabling...

Intratympanic treatments for subjective idiopathic tinnitus

Direct application of medication into the ear is long established, going back as far as written records. In the modern era, greater understanding of aural anatomy revealed that drugs instilled in the middle ear could potentially diffuse into the cochlea...

What’s new in the cochlea?

Prof Furness in this article rounds up the steps and leaps being made by the scientific community to develop therapies to support, rejuvenate and / or replace the cochlear structures. David’s electron microscope images of the cochlear structures are world...