You searched for "adults"

691 results found

Diagnosis and treatment of snoring in adults – S2k Guideline of the German Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

This article summarises the work done by the German Society of Otorhinolaryngology, who have developed guidelines for the management of snoring. ‘S2k’ is German nomenclature for a consensus based guideline, which (for those of you interested in such things), is...

Cochlear implantation in adults has a positive impact on overall cognitive function as early as six months postop

The link between improving hearing and thus improving cognition is an important emerging area of research in hearing rehabilitation, due to the independent association between hearing loss and dementia. This study uses visually assessed neurocognitive tests of working memory, information...

Gardasil vaccination as an adjuvant treatment for established recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis in male adults - does it stimulate an immune response?

Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is well known to be caused by infection with the human papilloma virus (types 6 and 11). Recurrence after surgical removal is common and potentially frequent and severe. Previous research has established that many patients with...

Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for adults with tinnitus

Tinnitus remains one of the most prevalent and distressing audiological symptoms. Although specialist tinnitus services are in high demand, geographical and service constraints result in limited access to these services. Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (ICBT) has been developed to provide...

Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults and Their Family Members – Sixth Edition

This book provides a plethora of information relating to aural rehabilitation. The author has taken a multi-faceted approach, combining firm evidence-based perspectives with an evaluation of the scientific foundations of current clinical practises. This book is mainly aimed at those...

Could hearing aids help stave off dementia in older adults?

HearCog is a two-year randomised control trial of hearing loss and dementia being undertaken by Ear Science Institute Australia (Ear Science). The study is investigating whether hearing aids can delay or arrest cognitive decline.

Hearing loss and QOL

This article evaluates the impact of hearing loss and its rehabilitation on the quality of life (QoL) of adults. The authors suggest that the currently used scale, Aphab, is long, complicated and does not take into account minor changes. The...

EMG and unilateral vocal fold palsy

The authors studied the diagnostic and prognostic value of laryngeal electromyography (LEMG) in adults with unilateral vocal fold palsy. The study included 61 patients who were tested on average seven months after their palsy (4-11 months). In most cases the...

Tonsillectomy in or out?

Although tonsillectomy is the most common surgical act performed in ENT practice, there is still some concern about the safety of outpatient or day surgery scheduling, especially in adults. Although this has been common practice in many departments for some...

Differences between paediatric and adult cholesteatomas

An understanding of the differences between adult and paediatric cholesteatomas should be helpful in more effective management of the disease in children. In this study, the authors focused their comparison between paediatric and adult cholesteatomas to the operative findings, rates...

Promotion of trust with adult hearing impairment in hearing healthcare

The goal of this study was to assess how trust is promoted among adult hearing impaired patients seeking hearing healthcare. Previous interview transcript data collected from 29 adults across hearing health care centres in four countries was re-analysed thematically in...

CIs and the elderly

Although cochlear implantation (CI) is thought to be a predominantly paediatric procedure, more and more adults are candidates for cochlear implants. This retrospective study was performed on 80 adults aged above 50 who were implanted for at least nine months....