You searched for "allergy"

732 results found

Objective versus subjective – again!

The use of objective measurements of nasal airflow has a long history; however, its clinical application remains, at most, patchy. The main reason for that has been the lack of convincing studies showing a good correlation between the findings of,...

Getting your nose dry: endoscopic vidian neurectomy – an old technique given new life

We are often faced with patients with intractable watery rhinorhea – patients with no demonstrable allergy, a diagnosis of NAR and no response to ipratropium or capsaicine. For such patients, vidian neurectomy has been devised – an old technique that...

Rosemary oil to aid surgical healing?

There are a multitude of ways in which to damage the nasal epithelium, whether iatrogenically through nasal surgery, via injury, allergy, infection or inhalation of an environmental pollutant. This study looks at the role of the herb rosemary, in the...

Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Rapid Clinical and Board Review

This is a book written by a group of ENT surgeons from the Mayo Clinic, and a plastic surgeon from Colorado, and is aimed at US residents throughout their training, in particular in preparation for their board exams. As such,...

A safe and useful surgical procedure for allergic rhinitis?

Although the best management of allergic rhinitis is medical, intractable cases are not uncommon. Immunotherapy helps but is more practical if there is a single allergen involved. The authors compare the effects of submucosal inferior turbinoplasty alone with submucosal turbinoplasty...

Smoking and immunotherapy – does it worsen outcome?

This interesting study aimed to address the issue of smoking in patients who had their allergic rhinits treated by sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). Assessment was with validated quality of life questionnaires. There were 163 patients recruited in Greece who had completed...

Adenoidal hypertrophy in children with allergic rhinitis

Nasal congestion in children with allergic rhinitis can be confounded by adenoidal hypertrophy. This retrospective Turkish study examines this association in more detail. The sample studied was 566 children (age 2-18) that were diagnosed (based on ARIA guidelines) and treated...

Pollen forecasting apps: don’t worry, bee happy!

Hay fever sufferers rejoice! Around a fifth of people in the UK self-report to having hay fever (allergic rhinitis). In the majority of cases, this is thought to be a sensitivity to grass pollen. Symptoms may present as nasal congestion,...

The effect of cocaine or adrenaline dressing during endoscopic sinus surgery

A randomised controlled study of 37 patients took place that underwent endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis and received adrenaline or cocaine-soaked patties. The study showed no difference in the mean surgical field scores between adrenaline and cocaine sides. Adequate...

The impact of rhino-sinusitis treatment on olfaction

This study included 28 adults prospectively enrolled between March 2011 and May 2013 into a non-randomised, multi-institutional cohort. Adults electing endoscopic sinus surgery experienced gains in olfaction comparable to adults electing continued medical management. The evidence in this study comparing...

A classification of a new cell - the retrosphenoid cell

This is a concise paper which describes a previously undefined type of cell within the sphenoethmoidal complex. It identifies the retrosphenoid cell, differentiated from an Onodi cell by being entirely within the posterior wall of the sphenoid sinus, lying between...

Smell training is also effective in older patients

Olfactory loss is a common problem with a significant impact on quality of life. It has been demonstrated that olfactory training (OT) improves olfactory function in younger patients, but this study focuses in on patients aged 45 years and older....