You searched for "audiovestibular"

87 results found

In conversation with John Carlisle: the silent hero shaping medical publication integrity

Have you ever been curious as to what your anaesthetist is getting up to on their laptop during long cases? Me neither, but I always generally assumed they were trading Bitcoin, solving the Riemann hypothesis and buffing their Tinder profile....

Professor Hugh Montgomery

BACO International 2018 has some truly astonishing speakers, but perhaps none more astonishing than Hugh Montgomery. His friend and colleague David Howard chatted with him about some of his diverse interests. Prof Hugh Montgomery. Prof Hugh Montgomery will be giving...

Anaesthesia for free-flap surgery

Adel Hutchinson is one of those calm and controlled anaesthetists for whom nothing seems too difficult. In this article, she describes the key perioperative factors for one of the highest complexity operations in ENT; free-flap surgery. It makes good reading...

Aspirin desensitisation for aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD)

In this article, the authors describe the importance of identifying aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis refractory to standard medical treatment. This can then open the door to considering aspirin desensitisation treatment which, in their hands, has proven...

Human factors, theatre ethnographics and Girls Aloud

The issue of ambient music in the operating theatre is frequently controversial and has been known to cause ‘Bluetooth wars’, as different team members vie for control of the speakers. Our own Chris Potter gives his personal slant on this...

What’s new in auditory processing?

Auditory processing disorder (APD) has had a controversial history, stemming mainly from lack of scientific rigor and accepted clinical definition. That situation is now changing. Driven by the huge number of people with unaddressed listening difficulties, basic discoveries in neuroscience,...

Simulation: human factors scenario training

It is said that surgical training has suffered as a result of a combination of factors – through the introduction of work time restrictions such as the European Working Time Directive (EWTD) [1], a limit on the number of years...

Anaesthesia for sleep nasendoscopy and snoring / obstructive sleep apnoea surgery

Surgery for sleep disordered breathing inevitably requires surgeon and anaesthetist to share the airway. Here, Edward Bick gives us the anaesthetic viewpoint, reiterating that communication is the key. A specific note is made of the anaesthetic technique for sleep nasendoscopy,...

Are ENT patients who research their symptoms online better informed?

All our patients look up their symptoms online before they visit us, don’t they? And patients who do so are better informed than those who don’t, right? Well, that’s not actually the case… The ‘information era’ More information is now...

Laryngotracheal stenosis

Airway stenosis has been an enormous challenge to laryngologists since the dawn of the sub-specialty. Careful evaluation is essential, as this will determine the best treatment. We hear more from one of the UK’s leading airway centres. Until the advent...

Mindfulness based approaches to tinnitus management: meditations on a new approach

Psychological approaches to tinnitus There is now widespread agreement that an individual’s interpretation of tinnitus can determine how distressing they find it. If tinnitus is regarded as non-threatening then habituation normally follows. If, however, tinnitus is interpreted as threatening, habituation...

Why screen for hearing loss in adults?

Introduction Hearing loss affects over 10 million people in the UK – one in six of the population. Of over 50-year-olds 41.7% are estimated to have some form of hearing loss. This rises to 71.1% of over 70-year-olds, over half...