You searched for "elderly"

601 results found

Semi dynamic reconstruction of the lower lip

The main goal of reconstructive surgery for facial paralysis is the restoration of smiling and function of eye closure. The deformity of the lower lip in paralysis is ptosis of the corner of the mouth, eversion of the vermillion and...

A new flap for the perinasal region

Perinasal defects are most commonly caused by tumour extirpation or trauma. There are a number of methods to reconstruct the defect, and the method chosen depends on the size of the defect and other patient considerations. When the defect is...

Disorders of the Vestibular System: Diagnosis and Management

This book is aimed at specialist trainees and consultants with an interest in improving their knowledge and understanding of this traditionally obscure area of otolaryngology. There are very comprehensive chapters on anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system along with...

Trends in parathyroidectomy

The authors retrospectively analysed Hospital Episode Statistics data for parathyroidectomy between 2000 and 2010. Overall, parathyroidectomy rates nearly doubled from 3.3/100,000 population in 2000 to 5.8/100,000 in 2010, with particularly significant increases in elderly patients. The authors attribute this rise...

Sublingual immunotherapy

This paper reviews the recent European studies on sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). SLIT is currently widely used in Europe and is gaining popularity in the United States. It is known that longer treatment is needed with SLIT compared with subcutaneous immunotherapy...

Suspect the unsuspecting in thyroid cancer

This article reminds readers of how often invasive thyroid disease can appear, as the symptomatology is minimal. Noticeable airway symptoms appear after 50% of the airway is involved and surgeons can often fall in the unsuspecting trap of discovering locally...

Tonsillectomies are a pain in the neck!

You thought tonsilitis was bad? Having your tonsils removed, now that’s a hard pill to swallow. Very well, you’ll no longer have to fear the CENTOR, but how do we make recovery as pain-free as possible? Pantabtim and colleagues set...

ENT/AUDIOLOGY in this issue March/April 2020

Emma Stapleton, MBChB, FRCS (ORL-HNS), Consultant Otolaryngologist, Cochlear Implant and Skull Base Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK. E: Twitter: @otolaryngolofox Martin O’ Driscoll, Consultant Clinical Scientist; Head of Audiology and Hearing Implants, Audiology (Hearing and Balance) Centre, Manchester Royal...

Can we predict risk of adverse events preoperatively in patients undergoing head and neck cancer surgery?

Ed’s Choice reviews a paper aiming to create a reliable index to predict postoperative outcomes in head and neck cancer patients. This interesting study identifies variables that may assist in risk assessing prospective surgical candidates. There have been a few...

Laryngeal Manifestations of Systemic Diseases

Laryngeal Manifestations of Systemic Diseases is a unique reference manual which will cater to a wide potential audience. It would represent a good text for laryngologists coming across patients with known comorbidities or as new diagnoses of underlying pathologies, but...

Cochlear implants in the over 80s

The UK has an ageing population. Seven percent of the over 80s population have bilateral severe to profound hearing loss which can lead to associated negative outcomes (social isolation, depression and reduced quality of life). Cochlear implantation (CI) can successfully...

Dysphagia following intubation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dysphagia is a known sequela of mechanical ventilation and intubation. About a third of patients discharged from hospital after acute respiratory distress syndrome present with dysphagia. The authors of this review have considered the implications for patients intubated due to...