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260 results found

Laryngology: past, present and future

Two laryngological authorities trace the history of laryngology, from ancient Rome to the modern day. The structure of the vocal folds was a matter of conjecture until the renaissance when anatomists such as Andreas Vesalius and Julius Casserius demonstrated the...

The evolution of the Confederation of CEORL-HNS Congress: a conversation among presidents

The Congress of the Confederation has come a long way since its first meeting in 2011. Three presidents – past and present – discuss how it has evolved. Prof Bernal-Sprekelsen, you organised the 1st Congress of the Confederation of EORL-HNS...

The future of rhinology: What will come first, a radical change in rhinological management or the decimation of the world?

In this article, Simon Gane looks forward to what the future holds, on the presumption he survives. Setting aside the questions of the UK even existing, the NHS still working, or the fact we’ll be commuting to our jobs in...

The cochlear implant clinic multidisciplinary team meeting

The world’s first cochlear implant clinic was in Melbourne, where multichannel devices were designed by Graeme Clark at the beginning of the cochlear implant era. We are fortunate to hear from Claire Iseli and Rob Briggs, surgeon members of this...

Aerosol research and performance

Is singing safe? This was a question asked around the world at the start of the pandemic in early 2020. Natalie Watson and Chris Orton tell us about a rapidly-convened research group that led to profound changes in UK Government...

European funding for the tinnitus research network TINNET

Over 70 million people in Europe experience tinnitus, and for seven million it creates a debilitating condition. Severe tinnitus is often associated with depression, anxiety and insomnia, resulting in an enormous socio-economic impact [1]. It has been estimated that 13...

Outcome measurements WG5. Developing a core outcome set of measures for tinnitus

Alain Londero presents a large-scale collaboration that invites clinicians and patients to develop a minimum standard for assessing the efficacy of tinnitus treatments. This will become an international recommendation for all clinical trials of tinnitus. WG5 is working towards a...

What’s new in hearing aid technology? Requisites for successful implementation of eHealth in hearing health care

Like Eeyore in AA Milne’s Winnie the Pooh stories it appears we all will soon have a personal cloud, but unlike Eeyore this will be something to celebrate! The future of hearing aid technology is in the cloud argues Uwe...

Labour rights violations in the manufacture of healthcare goods

Every year trillions of dollars are spent on medical supplies globally. The operating theatre is a significant proportion of this spend, typically accounting for a third of a hospital’s supply costs. When making purchasing decisions consideration is given to value...

The delivery of ENT services in Mongolia: what are its obstacles?

Globally, the burden of ENT disease is great. Disabling hearing loss (DHL) for example, is reported to affect half a billion people worldwide. The majority of afflicted individuals live in lower and middle-income countries (LMIC) [1]. This article, a collaboration...

In conversation with Professor David Kemp

Ted Killan, Vice-Chair of the British Society of Audiology (BSA), caught up with Professor Kemp to discuss his scientific journey over the past 40 years, and what we can expect from OAEs in the future. Prof David T Kemp. In...

BIHIMA calls for minimum standard for assistive listening systems in theatres

Most theatres use assistive listening systems, but according to the British Irish Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association (BIHIMA), this does not always ensure a good experience for audiences with hearing loss.