You searched for "laryngoscope"

575 results found

How are swallowing and voice affected following anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF)?

Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) requires an anterior transcervical approach (ACA) to allow decompression of the cervical spine and nerve roots. This approach is also occasionally used for corpectomy and osteophyte removal. Key neurovascular structures related to swallowing and...

Does vocal tremor lead to changes in swallowing function?

Vocal tremor (VT) is a debilitating problem, but remains challenging to treat. Its pathophysiology remains indeterminate and there is a lack of consensus on phenotypes. Clinically, VT is often noted to be present in muscles outside of the larynx, including...

Vocal cord dysfunction and dysfunctional breathing: an evolving clinical paradigm

Patients frequently present to the ENT department with breathing difficulties. The entity of ‘vocal cord dysfunction’ (also known as paradoxical vocal cord movement, inducible laryngeal obstruction, and many other names) is increasingly well recognised. Ravi Thevasagayam gives us an overview....

The pioneers of endoscopy and the sword swallowers

Adolf Kussmaul drew inspiration from an unlikely source to further the development of endoscopy… The early pioneers of airway endoscopy and oesophagoscopy were bedevilled by two major and seemingly insurmountable problems. One was the paucity of light sources, with reliance...

The ‘umbrella furling’ deflation technique for cuffed tracheostomy tube - a useful tip for an easier tracheostomy insertion

In this article, the authors describe a quick and effective technique to assist with the maximal deflation of a tracheostomy tube cuff prior to insertion, thus making the process easier with less chance of damage to the cuff and a...

Anaesthesia under fire

Kate Prior is an anaesthetist who has, quite literally, been there, done that. In this article she manages to use words on a page to bring to life some of the conditions and challenges she faced as a member of...

Retrieval of an aspirated voice prosthesis in the awake laryngectomised patient

In this article, the authors describe a simple and effective technique for extracting an aspirated voice prosthesis from within the tracheobronchial tree in the awake laryngectomised patient using the Ambu® aScopeTM 4 Broncho endoscope. Surgical voice restoration remains the dominant...

Hidden genetic disorders in children that may present to the otolaryngologist

Background Among the many hundreds of children presenting to the otolaryngology clinic are a few whose symptoms are due to an underlying genetic condition. In most cases the underlying syndrome is obvious and has already been diagnosed, such as the...

Themistocles Gluck – the true father of laryngectomy

Most head and neck surgeons and ENT-specialists may know that the first laryngectomy for cancer was performed by Billroth on 31 December 1873. Billroth´s assistant, Vincenz Czerny, had outlined the operation in experimental surgery on dogs in 1870. Three years...

Chronic cough hypersensitivity syndrome

We all have patients who give us a ‘heartsink’ feeling; for many of us, the coughing patient is exactly such a situation. In this overview, Bhaskar Ram and Sangeeta Maini outline their approach to diagnosis. Declan Costello, Editor. Introduction Chronic...

COVID-19 ENT Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will be updated as and when more become available. 1 June - BLA & ENT UK Guidelines (endorsed by RCSLT) : A graduated return to elective...

Early injection laryngoplasty for iatrogenic vocal fold movement impairment – a safe and effective treatment

This Ed’s Choice examines the role of early injection laryngoplasty on swallowing dysfunction and is one of a few studies available in the literature. Research on early injection laryngoplasty has been predominately focused on voice and reducing the risk of...