You searched for "microscope"

368 results found

Charitable hearing care in Pakistan: establishing the IMRA Cochlear Implant Programme and Middle Ear Project

IMRA, the International Medical Relief Agency, is a registered charity providing volunteer-delivered cochlear implant and major ear surgery to children and adults in Pakistan. Established in 2001 by UK-based ENT surgeons led by Mr Haroon Khan, its primary aim is...

House of Hearing expands with the relocation of two Scottish clinics

House of Hearing is pleased to announce the relocation of their St Andrews and Perth clinics on the 30th May and 27th June 2022, respectively.

Two reliable endoscopic myringoplasty techniques for anterior tympanic membrane perforations

Difficulties that arise in closing anterior perforations in the tympanic membrane are due to a narrow isthmus of the external auditory canal and an anterior wall bulge which obscures the most anterior part of the tympanic membrane. The conventional microscopic...

Audiometric outcomes following endoscopic stapes surgery

Adding to the evidence base for endoscopic stapes surgery, this systematic review and analysis of outcomes sought to establish the efficacy and safety of this approach. This review included 14 studies with a pooled sample of 314 adult patients. The...

The increasingly favourable outcomes from endoscopic endonasal approaches for the management of pituitary adenomas

Historically, pituitary tumours have been surgically managed with an open, transcranial approach. Although this approach still has its merits in large intracranial adenomas, technological advancement has allowed smaller tumours to be debulked via a transseptal microscopic technique. These days, the...

Long-term outcomes after endoscopic pituitary macroadenomas resection

In this retrospective study the authors attempted to find out long-term outcomes after pituitary macroadenoma resection via the endonasal endoscopic transsphenoidal route. Eighty of the 162 patients operated on met the study criteria of clinical and radiological follow-up for at...

Rask-Andersen made honorary member of ENT UK

The inner-ear research laboratory at the University of Uppsala in Sweden has a long tradition of ear research. The department has been linked to such legendary names as Barany (Nobel Laureate), Nylen and Stahle. Now, the head of that department, Professor Helge Rask-Andersen, has been awarded honorary membership of ENT UK.

The future of treatments for hearing and balance: a 15 and 50-year perspective

Jameel Muzaffar and Manohar Bance paint a picture of what otology will look like 15 and 50 years’ time. Will we still need doctors? Will there still be an ENT news journal? The last 50 years have seen advances including...

The microbiological environment of the paranasal sinuses

This article reviews the ecology of the sinuses and tries to make sense of the confusing literature on the subject. This covers the details of molecular studies, particularly those which attempt to differentiate normal sinuses from those in patients with...

Effects of air pollution and climate change on the upper airways

Dr Alexander Simidchiev is a specialist in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine and public health. He is the Co-Founder and President of Air for Health, a non-profit organisation aimed at educating medical professionals about the impact of air pollution and climate...

In conversation with Muaaz Tarabichi

Guest Editor, Chris Coulson, speaks to Dr Muaaz Tarabichi, a pioneer of endoscopic ear surgery, about how he has seen the technique evolve during his career, what challenges early EES practitioners have faced and his predictions for the future of...

Application of paper patching in patulous eustachian tube

The condition of patulous eustachian tube, as opposed to dysfunctional eustachian tube, is less frequently diagnosed. Symptoms related to this, such as autophony, aural fullness, ‘being under water’, ‘hearing their own breathing’, and hearing sensitivity (varying in either direction) can...