You searched for "oncology"

705 results found

Beyond Our Shore: Humanitarian and Global Maxillofacial Surgery

Join an international host of speakers for the first gathering of UK humanitarian oral and maxillofacial surgery teams. An excellent faculty of oral and maxillofacial surgeons from across the globe will share with each other and the audience their experiences,...

All change at International Newsround

ENT & Audiology News has two new ENT editors who have joined Audiology Editor Keiran Joseph on the International Newsround section. After six years in the role, Emma Stapleton has handed over to Rohma Abrar and Haseem Raja. “They are...

Grading dysphagia as a toxicity in treating head and neck cancer

Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) is a system used by clinicians to grade the toxicity of oncology treatments in a standardised manner. Dysphagia is perhaps the most common long-term toxicity of head and neck cancer treatment. Currently, a...

Brussels, a multicultural city with varied ENT practice

Brussels has a proud history in the world of ENT. Jérome Lechien, who is on the Communications Committee for the CEORL-HNS 2019 Congress, and Daniele de Siati, a member of the international Scientific Committee, give us a history lesson and...

International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies (IFHNOS): its programmes and impact on head and neck cancer worldwide

In the first article of this edition, we introduce IFHNOS, which has created a major impact on the landscape of head and neck cancer treatment and education over the past quarter of a century by offering a global platform amongst...

Audiology in this issue...The Weird World of Science

Gareth Smith, Consultant Clinical Scientist (Audiology), Southend University Hospital, UK. E: Twitter: @garethlsmith In this edition, I’ve taken rather an editor’s privilege in exploring outside of our mainstays in audiology and widened the field to consider acoustics more widely...

Welcome to BACO Liverpool: a city with deep roots in ENT

Liverpool is a city steeped in ENT history, so it is fitting that BACO is being held there once more. Ray Clarke, former editor of ENT and Audiology News, casts his eye over the historical legacy of that fine city....

The role of the multidisciplinary team in laryngology and airway – the Charing Cross experience

As the National Centre for Airway Reconstruction, the Charing Cross laryngology MDT provides expert care to patients with airway problems as well as voice and swallowing disorders. In this article, the team explain their raison d’etre and why the MDT...

The Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery session at the 2019 RCSI (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland) Charter Day

Collaboration- How can we help? Report by: Nash Patil- ENT Consultant/Sligo, Michael Fitzsimmons- CST Trainee/Dublin. Collaboration was the theme of the Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery session at this year’s Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Charter Day held...

The microbiological environment of the paranasal sinuses

This article reviews the ecology of the sinuses and tries to make sense of the confusing literature on the subject. This covers the details of molecular studies, particularly those which attempt to differentiate normal sinuses from those in patients with...

Those little friends in our noses

Human microbiota plays an important role in both health and disease including metabolism, immunomodulation, and a potential role in chronic inflammatory conditions such as chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). The authors aimed to investigate the sinonasal microbiome using 16S rRNA gene sequencing...

Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical Scientific Meeting

The Head-and-Neck Section on the annual Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical Scientific meeting was again held as a virtual meeting via Zoom. The guest co-chair joining the regular Convenor, Professor John Fenton, was his colleague Mr Stephen Ryan from the local ORL-HNS...