You searched for "oropharynx"

171 results found

Gastrostomy tube dependence following TORS

Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is now a well-established treatment modality for early (T1-T2) disease. Accumulating evidence suggests that one of its main benefits relative to conventional chemoradiotherapy is superior long-term functional outcome, especially with...

How do objective ratings of swallowing compare with patient-reported dysphagia QOL measures in the head and neck cancer population?

Swallowing may be assessed by a comprehensive battery of tools including instrumental/objective assessments, clinician-rated measures and patient-reported measures. The authors of this paper use secondary analysis to explore concordance between videofluoroscopy and a patient-reported dysphagia quality of life (QOL) measure....

HPV and ENT; should we vaccinate boys?

David Black and Charlie Hall reiterate Vin Paleri’s pleas for a common sense evidence-based approach by those who allocate healthcare resources to the now urgent issue of HPV-related disease. They discuss the merits of different vaccines and the need for...

Dysphagia following intubation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dysphagia is a known sequela of mechanical ventilation and intubation. About a third of patients discharged from hospital after acute respiratory distress syndrome present with dysphagia. The authors of this review have considered the implications for patients intubated due to...

Sentinel nodes and UADT tumours

This is the review of a multicentre study to set practical guidelines for sentinel node techniques (SLN) in upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) squamous cell carcinomas including classical and extended indications. SLN biopsies are strictly indicated in patients with clinically and...

Deep space neck infections – salivary gland as source is commoner in elderly patients

Whilst deep space neck infections (DNI) can originate from many sources, dental and salivary glands are commonly the culprit. This paper details 44 patients treated for deep space neck infections originating from salivary gland and compares them to a previously...

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) - Part 2

In the first of this two-part series, Martyn Barnes and colleagues discussed indications for functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), the surgical objectives and techniques, patient expectations and the risks of surgery [1]. In this second and final part, the authors...

Continuous Ambulatory Vestibular Assessment (CAVA)

This article presents initial test findings using a novel system called CAVA - Continuous Ambulatory Vestibular Assessment. Akin to the 24-hour ECG tape to identify cardiac arrhythmias, this system aims to continuously monitor the presence of a nystagmus pattern in...

Surgical Paediatric Otolaryngology, Second Edition

This is a well-written and illustrated surgical atlas of paediatric otolaryngology by authors who are senior and experienced paediatric otolaryngology head and neck surgeons working at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. This text is a comprehensive...

The mark of the head and neck surgeon

Like Zorro, the head and neck surgeon leaves their mark. No more so than during parotid surgery. Various modifications have been put forward modifying the classic Blair incision. This latest modification camouflages the pre-tragal scar by running it on to...

Are upper respiratory symptoms and macroscopic changes in children always due to gastro-oesphageal reflux?

In children, symptoms such as chronic cough, wheezing, stridor, voice changes, persistent asthma and dental erosion are often presumed to be due to gastro-oesophageal reflux and empirical treatment with PPIs is offered. Usual investigations, such as a barium meal, gastroscopy...

Predicting swallowing outcomes post radiotherapy for head and neck cancer

A videofluroscopic swallow study (VFSS), also known as modified barium swallow (MBS) offers a dynamic view of swallow biomechanics and associated swallowing physiology. The authors of this paper investigated whether quantitative timing and displacement measures of key structures involved in...