You searched for "otalgia"

116 results found

Evaluation of secondary otalgia

This Turkish prospective study of 200 patients looked at the pain characteristics of secondary otalgia related to temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and cervical region disorders (CRD), and how they can affect diagnostics. Patients were included if they were >18 years of...

Radiology of referred otalgia

Otalgia is a common presenting complaint to Ear Nose and Throat Departments. Otalgia is either primary or secondary (referred) [1]. Referred otalgia is a ‘red flag’ symptom and can be a diagnostic challenge for clinicians and radiologists as the pathology...

Otology, Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery Book Review

This concise pocket-sized textbook aims to provide a practical reference that clinicians can use in every day otological and skull base practice. The senior author, Derald Brackmann, is one of the leading neurotologists of the modern era and, together with...

Hemilaryngopharyngeal Spasm (HeLPS)

The authors report an unusual case of hemilaryngopharyngeal spasm (HeLPS) with glossopharyngeal neuralgia with otalgia in a middle-aged female patient. Her symptoms included left-sided sharp, electric sensation like pain radiating from her left ear to the left side of her...

Occurrence of cancer in asymmetrical tonsillar enlargement in adults

With significant increase in head and neck cancer in the last decade, attributed to HPV, fast-track referrals from primary care have markedly increased, adding further to the burden on the NHS. Whether or not unilateral tonsillar enlargement alone, without red...

When ears go bad

Whilst rare, squamous cell carcinoma is the commonest primary malignancy of the temporal bone and is discussed in this review article. This tumour frequently presents with otalgia, ottorhoea and hearing loss; less commonly, with facial palsy or parotid mass. Investigations...

‘Acoustic shock’

Development of hearing loss due to traditional and steady state noise in working environments has well defined medical, physical and legal implications in the present times. Organisations not complying with ‘Noise at Work Regulations 1989’ are liable for compensation if...

How has management and outcomes of necrotising otitis externa changed over the past decade?

Necrotising otitis externa (NOE) remains a challenging condition for ENT departments, particularly with the increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the general population. There is no international consensus on treatment, although many institutions now have local guidelines drawn up...

New MRI technique assesses treatment response in skull base osteomyelitis

This paper describes another useful imaging technique to monitor Necrotising Otitis Externa (NOE). Echoplanar diffusion weighted magnetic resonance (DW MR) shows high signal on the ‘ADC map’ with active disease and this reduces in signal intensity as symptoms improve. This...

External auditory canal carcinoma

Although uncommon, primary malignant tumours of the external auditory canal (EAC) are associated with a poor prognosis as they often present late. In this study the authors evaluate the clinical and pathological factors associated with treatment and outcome of EAC...

Post tonsillectomy recovery in thermal welding method compared with recovery in cold steel method

Many different methods for tonsillectomy have emerged but whether they provide an improvement over the traditional cold steel tonsillectomy is another matter. Thermal welding is a recent method of tonsillectomy in which the tissues are simultaneously coagulated and divided. In...

Complications associated with intra-tympanic steroid injections for sudden sensorineural hearing loss

Around 15,000 people in the UK experience a sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) each year, and in the majority of cases the cause is unknown. Treatment options for idiopathic SSNHL include various modalities of steroid treatments which have known limitations...