You searched for "parent"

1746 results found

Tonsillectomy in or out?

Although tonsillectomy is the most common surgical act performed in ENT practice, there is still some concern about the safety of outpatient or day surgery scheduling, especially in adults. Although this has been common practice in many departments for some...

Nasal and aural foreign body removal: another technique for a common problem

Trying to remove foreign bodies from the ears and noses of children is something we have all struggled with at various times. Many people have their own top tips, and here Oliver McLaren and Alexander Walkden describe an ingenious way...

Practice and pregnancy during COVID-19

The global COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on each of us, both personally and professionally. We have had to adapt the way we live and work and find our ‘new normal’. Francesca Lynch, Senior Paediatric Audiologist at Guy’s...

Acupuncture for tonsillectomy pain in children

The challenge: tonsillectomy pain Tonsillectomy is a uniform surgical insult which results in a 10-day recovery for children. Severe pain can occur which can give rise to poor oral fluid intake, dehydration and potentially the need for intravenous fluid resuscitation....

Video- Based Aural Rehabilitation Guide

This book provides thorough coverage of vital topics within aural rehabilitation for children and adults. It targets a wide audience, including audiologists, speech therapists, Teachers of the Deaf and parents. It can also be used by clinicians supporting people with...

Listening and Spoken Language Therapy for Children with Hearing Loss

I’d like to start this review with a disclaimer – I don’t deliver speech and language therapy but am interested in how speech, language and communication are developing in the children we see with hearing loss within audiology. I found...

Team based learning in speech language pathology graduate courses

According to the author of this article, the role of a speech language pathologist involves clinical problem solving in both diagnostic and treatment processes. Problem solving involves cooperative collaboration with clients and their parents. Therefore, in this pilot study, the...

Infant mental health and hearing loss

This interesting editorial explores an aspect in the field of research dedicated to promoting healthy social and emotional development and the prevention and treatment of mental health problems in very young children. Since babies learn through primary attachment relationships with...

Tongue tie – just a snip?

This article regarding ankyloglossia raises an eyebrow; surely it’s just a snip isn’t it? Seemingly not. The authors describe two types of tongue tie – the first being posterior, with the frenulum being short and tight, the second being anterior,...

Hearing aids or grommets for children with OME?

Otitis media with effusion is a highly prevalent condition in children and recurrence often occurs after surgical treatment with grommets. Repeated grommet insertion has its own problems of infection, perforation and scarring of the tympanic membranes, and continuity of providing...

Viral induced hearing loss

Viruses are a common cause of hearing loss both in children and adults. This article provides a good review of the viral causes of hearing loss and can be regarded as an essential read. The authors divide the viruses into...

How long is too long? Waiting times for speech and language therapy

Waiting lists are a reality of clinical practice, and many health and social care professionals become used to having to cope with this. The authors of this paper addressed this issue by examining written submissions to the 2014 Senate Inquiry...