You searched for "perforation"

2631 results found

Role of intratympanic corticosteroid for treatment of Bell’s palsy and Ramsay Hunt syndrome

Acute peripheral facial palsy occurs annually in 30 in 1,000,000 individuals in the general population. Bell’s palsy and Ramsay Hunt syndrome account for about 70% of cases of peripheral facial palsy. They are believed to be caused by viral reactivation...

Button batteries – how can we reduce harm to children?

This article explores the history of button batteries and how clinicians and industries alike could reduce the harm to children following ingestion. Following ingestion, if lodged, button batteries cause an alkaline reaction leading to necrosis of mucosa. Significant oesophageal injury...

Is bone cement a cost-effective solution?

This study looks at the functional results of 52 patients who underwent bone cement ossiculoplasty. Patients were divided into four groups based on ossicular disruption. Group 1 (30 patients) had lenticular erosion only. Group 2 (13 patients) had absent incus....

Laser for active mucosal chronic otitis media

Active mucosal chronic otitis media (COM) is a condition characterised by otorrhoea secondary to chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid mucosa associated with granulations and a tympanic membrane perforation. Surgical intervention is often required, but concurrent mastoidectomy with...

Textbook of Otitis Media: The Basics and Beyond

This book is a comprehensive resource that discusses the multifaceted condition of otitis media. It aims to serve a wide range of medical professionals, including otolaryngologists, audiologists, paediatricians, and medical students, by providing both fundamental knowledge and advanced insights into...

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ear health in the 2020s

The world is in the midst of a pandemic, and global health is severely threatened by this novel coronavirus which has caused over three million infections of COVID-19 and claimed more than 228,000 lives to date*. Societies and health systems...

Remote hearing aid fittings and maintenance – exploring applications in Africa

Introduction Technology and connectivity are allowing audiological services to be provided in novel ways. The field of telehealth, although firmly established over the past two decades, is buoyed by the continued and rapid advances in information and communication technologies. Remote...

A new biomarker for chronic rhinosinusitis

This Chinese study looked at the feasibility of periostin (usually found in bone and lung tissue) as a biomarker for chronic rhinosinusitis. They sampled ethmoid mucosa in 12 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyposis (CRSsNP) and 25 patients with...

CGHH announces plans to donate audiology equipment

The Coalition for Global Hearing Health (CGHH) has announced plans to offer several full-size diagnostic audiometers, hearing aid programming hardware, and miscellaneous supplies for donation to CGHH Members that provide humanitarian services to improve hearing healthcare services in low- or...

The ear-brain connection in cochlear implant users: learning to listen again

While the cochlear implant (CI) has been a tremendous success in restoring hearing to deaf individuals, the implantation outcome still varies across CI users [1]. Some demographic factors, such as duration of deafness, and peripheral factors, such as electrode placement,...

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) - Part 1

In the first of a two-part series, Martyn Barnes and colleagues discuss indications for functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), the surgical objectives and techniques, patient expectations and the risks of surgery. In part two, the authors will discuss how to...

Effects of blast and acoustic trauma: assessment of hearing status on war veterans

Introduction Acoustical conditions of the military are often dangerous and there is a real risk of blast trauma and acoustic trauma [1, 2]. Levels of military noises maybe reach up to 125 dBA [3]. Weapons produce instant shock waves (10μs)...