You searched for "sleep"

425 results found

Tinnitus Treatment: Clinical Protocols Second Edition

When asked to review the second edition of the popular Tinnitus Treatment: Clinical Protocols, I had high expectations. The first edition, published in 2005, has been a trusted resource for students and clinicians alike, and this second edition does not...

Comparison of outcomes after septoplasty

For this prospective study, the authors assessed the quality of life (QoL) with the rhinosinusitis SNOT-20 (Sino-Nasal Outcome Test-20) questionnaire and the symptoms on a visual analogue scale (VAS) in all patients undergoing nasal septal surgery. The patients reported the...

Surgical options for children with OSA

This paper looks at the surgical management of OSA in children and approaches the method of patient selection initially. They discuss the role of polysomnography in that it is part of the AAOHNS criteria in those patients with OSA symptoms...

Investigations in the management of OSA in children

The purpose of this study was to pick up variation of practice across the UK in the assessment and management of children with suspected OSA, particularly with reference to pulse oximetry and polysomnography. A questionnaire-based survey revealed that preoperative pulse...

Maternal angst

This paper confirms the anxiety that a mother experiences when their child undergoes surgery. The paper focuses on adenoidectomy and adenotonsillectomy for moderate to severe upper airway obstruction showing admirably how anxiety reduces following surgery. The authors recruited 66 mothers...

Advancing the tongue in OSA surgery

This article further delineates the options for hypopharyngeal OSA and describes the technique of genioglossus advancement to improve the tension in the tongue base. The authors take the reader through the relevant anatomy appropriate to the procedure and describe the...

What’s the risk of regrowth with partial (intracapsular) tonsillectomy

Partial (intracapsular) tonsillectomy is enjoying somewhat of a revival offering the potential for less postoperative pain and bleeding whilst relieving the obstructive element. The authors look at 303 patients, 82 of whom had partial tonsillectomy using coblation. They measured pre...

Maxillomandibular advancement and airway morphology

This is a cadaveric study comparing alterations in airway volume. Seven advancements of the maxillomandibular complex were undertaken, each with a 2 mm incremental advancement being scanned with a total of eight scans per cadaver. They showed that comparisons between...

Neosensory Buzz: can a wristband really help with sound awareness and tinnitus?

As an audiologist, I am always looking for alternative and innovative solutions for patients who have tried all other traditional approaches. What else can I offer to patients who struggle to hear, even with appropriate amplification, or those who struggle...

OBITUARY: James Milner Robinson (1937 - 2021)

James Milner Robinson FRCS, formerly a consultant otologist to Gloucester and Cheltenham hospitals, died peacefully on 3 November 2021 at the age of 84 after several years of ill-health. In keeping with his lifelong love of nature and care for...

Implications of tonsillectomy in very young children

This is a comprehensive study comprising 157 children who underwent tonsillectomy below the age of two years, mainly for sleep-disordered breathing (86.6%) and recurrent tonsillitis (7%). With relatively recent understanding of OSAS, the indications for tonsillectomy in children under two...

First UK hypoglossal nerve stimulation implant in the treatment for moderate to severe OSA

Obstructive sleep apnoea has been treated in many different ways over the years. We hear from Yakubu Karagama about one of the latest surgical developments. Introduction Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is by far the most common sleep disorder, affecting all...