You searched for "therapists"

456 results found

Is it worth paying for group therapy?

Group therapy for post-stroke communication difficulties has been described in the research literature for more than 50 years and is generally considered an efficacious approach. Yet these authors express concern that the American Medicare system is less willing to fund...

How can disabled children communicate more during family leisure time?

This article aims to provide guidance on how to integrate alternative augmentative communication (AAC) use into family leisure time. The authors highlight that ensuring the use of AAC in this highly valued activity can maximise carryover to real conversations. The...

Remembering the first word first or the last word first: what does this mean about the interaction between language and short term memory?

This article reviews theories of how verbal short term memory (STM) interacts with other language functions and thus how semantics or phonology of target items can influence what individuals remember. The authors describe examples from the research literature that have...

How do you solve a problem like Dysphagia?

When a patient is referred to a speech and language therapist for the management of swallowing difficulties, multiple options are available to address these issues. The choice is based on a detailed assessment of the patient’s swallowing physiology and function....

COVID-19 and dysphagia in critically ill patients: a reflection of some findings

Dysphagia was a common occurrence in patients admitted to intensive care units (ITU) during the pandemic. This paper explores data from 26 ITUs over 12 months during 2020-2021. Findings from 235 patients admitted with Delta and subsequent Covid variants who...

Paediatric vestibular evaluation

Richard E Gans is a renowned expert in the areas of vestibular evaluation and rehabilitation techniques. In the first of two articles (see here for the second article), Dr Gans gives an overview of the approach he and his team...

ENT In this issue...Landmark Papers that Defined ENT and Audiology

In 2018, I compiled a book with the title Landmark Papers in Otolaryngology. The book was inspired by the ENT department journal club that regularly took place in a local Norwich pub, and it discusses 99 of the most cited papers in the ENT and audiology literature.

Stroboscopy and High-Speed Imaging of the Vocal Function – Second Edition

When I was asked to review this book, I was really looking forward to receiving it and eagerly awaited the postman on a daily basis until it arrived. Needless to say, it did not disappoint. The author, Peak Woo, is...

Audeara personalised headphones win Innovator Award

Audeara Ltd is a hearing health technology company delivering high-quality personalised audio to listeners.

Show me the video: modelling for behaviour change

It is estimated that 2% of people in the United States have autism. The DSM 5th edition defines the autism spectrum diagnosis criteria as when an individual has social communication difficulties, as well as restrictive and repetitive behaviours. One intervention...

Modified barium swallow studies: what is the radiation risk?

A modified barium swallow study (MBSS), also called a videofluoroscopy swallowing study uses ionising radiation to assist the clinician in visualising swallowing biomechanics from the oral cavity to the oesophagus. This procedure is currently one of the best methods used...

The changing role of audiology

Audiology has changed dramatically in recent years. Cochlear implants and high power hearing aids have made hearing really available to children with essentially any degree of hearing loss. Those of us who have been in the field for a long...