This section is devoted to reviewing the latest books in the fields of ENT and audiology. Our reviews are intended to provide useful guidance for end users who will find the books helpful in their day-to-day practice.
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Modern Hearing Aids: Verification, Outcome Measure and Follow-Up

Modern Hearing Aids has the right balance of light-heartedness and formal writing to keep the reader interested throughout. Looking at the overall book, it has quite a lot of information that is relevant to experienced clinicians, newly qualified clinicians and...

Clinical Management of Children with Cochlear Implants - Second Edition

This substantial volume is nearly 900 pages long but definitely worth the shelf space. That said, it hasn’t actually made it to a shelf since its arrival at our department as everyone who spotted it has wanted to borrow it!...

Sandlin’s Textbook of Hearing Aid Amplification: Technical and Clinical Considerations – Third Edition

This textbook is intended for graduate clinicians and scientists in audiology. It covers a broad range of topics over 20 chapters written by clinical and technical experts, most of whom are based in the US and Denmark, and the book...

Children with Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six - Third Edition

I was very excited to read this book as I have seen some of Carol Flexer’s presentations on the auditory brain and the concepts have fitted well into my paediatric rehabilitation clinics, especially in relating the complexities of hearing loss...

The Hearing Sciences – Second Edition

This book proved to be a very interesting read. Aimed at undergraduate students, I feel that it delivers the key concepts of the hearing sciences in a straightforward manner for this audience. The text covers all aspects of hearing sciences,...

Understanding Childhood Hearing Loss – Whole Family Approaches to Living and Thriving

Brian Fligor is an experienced paediatric audiologist working in America. This book was written for the hearing impaired child and their family to demystify the technical and emotional aspects of hearing loss and the journey from diagnosis through to adolescents....

Audiology Science to Practice - Second Edition

Steven Kramer has released the second edition to this popular textbook in order to remain in sync with the developments and changes in the audiology profession over the last five years. The textbook has retained many concepts from the first...

Quality in Audiology: Design and Implementation of the Patient Experience

In Quality in Audiology, Dr Brian Taylor has grappled with an aspect of audiology about which I am passionate, and in doing this he has covered a lot of ground. He starts by trying to define quality – which in...

Medical-Legal Evaluation of Hearing Loss

Robert Dobie is a highly experienced and respected international authority in the field of medical-legal assessment in the context of noise induced hearing loss. This book has been written for a broad audience, including otolaryngologists, audiologists and members of the...

Hearing in Children (Sixth Edition)

The first edition of Hearing in Children by Northern and Downs was published 40 years ago. For many of us, the 1974 edition of this text provided the first comprehensive definition pediatric audiology. Subsequent editions of this book, with the...

Cochlear Implants: What Parents Should Know

This book was written by members of the Dallas Cochlear Implant Program, to serve the needs of parents considering cochlear implantation for their children. It provides a balanced introduction to the topic, offering comprehensive, accessible information and interesting case studies....

Manual of Paediatric Balance Disorders

There is a lot of literature available describing the pathophysiology and causes of balance disorders in adults. However, balance disorders in children are not as well understood and this is reflected in the relative dearth of literature. The standard reference...