Measurement of HINTS in peripheral vestibulopathy

Dizziness; Head impulse test; Nystagmus; Skew deviation; Vertigo.

Subtypes of vestibular migraine

The authors argue that the current Barany criteria (ICVD) for vestibular migraine (definite and probable – dVM and pVM) are too restrictive. For instance, whereas a category of chronic migraine with or without aura is recognised in ICHD-3, ‘chronic VM’...

Impact of vestibular rehabilitation on patients with peripheral vestibular disorders

Vestibular rehabilitation is a widely used treatment for vestibular dysfunction. It can improve dizziness, fall risk, balance, and emotional status. However, some patients do not get benefit from vestibular rehabilitation. In this study, the authors assessed the impact of dizziness...

Corticosteroid prescribing in ENT - are we at risk of being sued?

Of medications leading to malpractice claims, corticosteroids comprise the third most common. They are used widely and have a significant side-effect profile: hypertension, lipodystrophy, diabetes, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, peptic ulceration and psychiatric reactions to name but a...

Unravelling the Meniere’s vs. migraine conundrum – what does the mastoid contribute?

This is an interesting observational study that attempts to classify subtypes of Meniere’s disease (MD) in relation to the coexistence of migraine. It is well known that the two conditions share common characteristics, making diagnosis and treatment challenging at times....

Transmastoid facial nerve decompression for persistent traumatic facial nerve paralysis

Facial nerve paralysis (FNP) can occur following trauma, with a small number of these patients requiring facial nerve decompression (FND) to aid recovery. The authors shared their experience in decompressing the facial nerve for persistent severe FNP via a transmastoid...

Persistent imbalance after traumatic brain injury is central in origin

Several residual symptoms, including dizziness and imbalance, can follow traumatic brain injury, no matter how mild. This study focused on the mechanisms, peripheral and central, underlying the complaint of persistent imbalance in patients with chronic mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)....

Effect of COVID-19 on hearing and balance

Rhinological symptoms are cardinal features of COVID-19. However there have only been anecdotal reports on the involvement of the ear, the closest neighbour to the nose and throat. The aim of this study was ‘to assess the presence of persistent...

The use of repositioning chairs in the diagnosis and treatment of BPPV

The authors performed a systematic review assessing the utilisation of multi-axial repositioning chairs, such as the TRV chair and the Epley Omniax Rotator, in the diagnosis and treatment of BPPV. They reviewed nine studies, of which four were prospective studies....

Semicircular canal dehiscence and cochlear implantation

Semicircular canal dehiscence (SCD) is thought to occur in 3% of the population, it is mostly asymptomatic, but patients may present with sound-induced vestibular symptoms, low-frequency conductive hearing loss, autophony, hyperacusis and aural fulness. With the increasing utilisation of cochlear...

Diagnostic criteria for superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome

The latest Bárány Society’s consensus document on diagnostic criteria for vestibular disorders is one for superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS). There are three major categories: (A) Symptoms consistent with a third mobile labyrinthine window; (B) Physiologic tests – clinical...

PPPD - the problem with the label

The recently described diagnostic entity of persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) has its merits regarding guiding intervention and treatment, but the label itself can be problematic for patients. This study was designed to determine the views of patients of the...