SpeechEasy® for stuttering

In this article, the authors describe their experiences with an altered auditory feedback (AAF) device: SpeechEasy® during a random clinical trial. AAF has been reported in other laboratory studies to reduce stuttering events without influencing the rate, intensity or frequency...

Honey in the management of mucositis

This is a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Despite some limitations, they were able to identify that honey could reduce the severity of radio/chemotherapy induced oral mucositis. They acknowledge that the exact aetiology in the effect of honey is not...

Role of intranasal steroids after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Rhinosinusitis often follows radiotherapy in the treatment of carcinoma of the nasopharynx. The interval and severity may vary with the dose of radiation and stage of the carcinoma. In this randomised, controlled study, patients who developed rhinosinusitis after radiotherapy treatment...

What is the optimum duration of voice rest after microlaryngoscopy procedures?

Recent survey data looking at the opinions and practices of otolaryngologists in the US and the UK demonstrate that there is a wide variation in recommendations made for voice rest after vocal fold surgery. In the US, the most common...

Hilotherapy for facial surgery patients?

Hilotherapy involves administering regulated cold compression through a facemask. The principle of this treatment involves cyotherapy as a traditional treatment for reducing inflammation, pain and swelling following trauma. It is believed that using hilotherapy (Hilotherm®), which uses a mask to...

Voice therapy is an effective treatment for presbyphonia

The quality of an individual’s voice often declines with age. This deterioration occurs firstly as a result of vocal fold atrophy secondary to histologic alteration of the vocal fold mucosa as well as atrophy of the laryngeal musculature. Phonatory efficiency...

Supporting second language in bilingual children with cochlear implants

There have been mixed reports regarding the benefits of supporting two languages for bilingual children using cochlear implants. With an ever-increasing number of children with hearing loss undergoing cochlear implantation, this study provides timely clinical evidence. The authors studied the...

Contemporary UK experience of oropharyngeal transoral laser microsurgery

It is well recognised that the current emergence of HPV-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) as a distinct disease entity requires a fresh look at standard treatment modalities that are based on chemoradiotherapy for stage III/IVa OPSCC. The Newcastle experience...

Effectiveness of oral pressure therapy in obstructive sleep apnoea: a systematic analysis

Oral pressure therapy (OPT) is a relatively new form of therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Paradoxically it seems to work even though it creates a vacuum in the oral cavity as opposed to the gold standard of continuous positive...

Diagnosis of osteonecrosis of the jaw

Although the management of osteonecrosis of the jaw is usually provided by colleagues in maxillofacial surgery, it is essential for ENT surgeons to effectively diagnose the various presentations of this condition. Affected bone that is exposed and necrotic may remain...

Aerosols and polypi

Infection in the operative cavities after endoscopic sinus surgery for sinonasal polyposis leads to recurrence of symptoms and mucopurulent discharge. The usual therapies include systemic antibiotics sometimes with steroids. The authors hypothesised that the use of a topical antimicrobial (tobramycin...

The benefits of early voice therapy for unilateral vocal cord paralysis

This retrospective review of voice outcomes following a diagnosis of unilateral vocal fold paralysis divided patients into three groups according to the time of initiation of voice therapy following the onset of paralysis. The ‘early’ group started voice therapy within...