It is well known that Follicle Stimulating Hormone receptors (FSHRs) are found in extra-gonadal tumours such as those within thyroid tissue. This Polish study analysed 44 thyroid resection specimens to look for the presence of these receptors. No mention is made for the indications for surgery or pre-operative investigation results. Eight specimens were formally reported as benign (follicular adenomas) and the rest a mix of undifferentiated, papillary and follicular carcinomas. Specimens were analysed using an antibody immunostaining technique and evaluated using a subjective scoring system based on microscopic appearance and quantity of staining seen. FSHRs were not seen in normal thyroid tissue and also in the majority of follicular adenomas (six of eight). The majority of follicular and papillary carcinomas (28 of 32) and all four undifferentiated carcinomas displayed strong staining. The authors speculate that such laboratory testing may be a useful aid for pathologists with specimens that are difficult to interpret, particularly in differentiating follicular adenomas from follicular adenocarcinomas. The authors also rightly state that conclusions would be best derived from a bigger study. 

Expression of follicle stimulating hormone receptors (FSHR) in thyroid tumours – a marker of malignancy?
Pawlikowski M, Fuss-Chmielewska J, Jaranowska M, et al.
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