You searched for "BACO"

500 results found

Global health missions – not just for consultants. A guide for trainees.

Lulu Ritchie is a courageous and driven trainee in London, inspired by humanitarian missions but conscious of the usual requests for consultant level doctors. Lulu didn’t let that hold her back. She found a way and has kindly summarised her...

How I lost my hearing aid…and other patient experiences

All audiologists, I am sure, would claim that they give full explanations of hearing aid controls and use of the devices at all fitting appointments. However, we know that patients do not always absorb all that they are told and...

Audiology research: opportunities, career progression and leadership

A career in research can, at first glance, seem far removed from the clinical world of audiology but is that really the case? In this article Melanie Ferguson explains the role of translational research in bridging this gap, as well...

In conversation with Shahed Quraishi

Professor Shahed Quraishi OBE. The ENT Masterclass® has been one of the most successful endeavours in ORL education and training in modern times. It has now been around for two decades. To mark the occasion and celebrate a coming of...

Dizziness: confusion, issues and considerations

Douglas L Beck gives his unique take on the difficulties involved in diagnosing dizzy patients and the importance of well-founded research acting as the basis for any diagnosis and treatment decisions. Dizziness. Uh-oh. We really have a very limited understanding...

In conversation with Erwin Offeciers

Professor Erwin Offeciers is a renowned adult and paediatric otologist, living and working in Antwerp, Belgium. He has extensive experience in cochlear implantation and has also spearheaded the well described bony obliteration technique. He is to sit on the forthcoming...

Audiology in this issue...The Weird World of Science

Gareth Smith, Consultant Clinical Scientist (Audiology), Southend University Hospital, UK. E: Twitter: @garethlsmith In this edition, I’ve taken rather an editor’s privilege in exploring outside of our mainstays in audiology and widened the field to consider acoustics more widely...

ENT in this issue...Historical Figures in ENT and Audiology

GUEST SECTION EDITORS Katherine Conroy, ST7 at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Northwestern Deanery, Department of ENT, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK. E: Prof Ray Clarke, BA, BSc, DCH FRCS, FRCS(ORL), Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK;...

Incoming RSM Presidents share their plans for the year

Section of Laryngology & RhinologyMichael Kuo – PresidentVictoria Possamai – Honorary Secretary Another academic year for the RSM beckons. The programmes that Tim Woolford and Guri Sandhu presented, culminating in the first ‘face to face’ ENT meeting this year, both...

World’s oldest recipient of a cochlear implant

What do you ask for on your birthday when you are 103 years old? Leslie Hodgson (above) knew exactly what he wanted: his hearing back. And clinicians at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust were happy to help, breaking two...

RSM Otology: the year ahead

Professor Manohar Bance, President of the UK’s Royal Society of Medicine Otology Section, looks forward to a packed programme.

In conversation with Prof Nirmal Kumar, President of ENT UK: Winners of The Association Excellence Award

At ENT & Audiology News we were delighted to hear that ENT UK have won an award for Best Membership Support during COVID-19. We sent Emma Stapleton to chat with Professor Nirmal Kumar, ENT UK President. Congratulations to ENT UK...