You searched for "Tinnitus"

333 results found

Stimulation for tinnitus

Tinnitus is known to be inhibited by stimulation of the auditory system by stimuli such as acoustical, electrical and magnetic. Residual inhibition (RI) is when tinnitus is temporarily eliminated for a period of time lasting seconds, minutes, up to hours...

Controlling tinnitus

The absence of sufficient evidence for the use of integrated sound generators for the management of tinnitus led the authors to conduct a randomised blind clinical trial in which they compared the use of a conventional hearing aid with a...

Tinnitus in children

This is a review article about the management of tinnitus in children. In the end the authors came up with just three papers that made the grade. Maybe the most interesting finding was from Vianni in the JLO in 1989....

Imaging tinnitus

Tinnitus is a common sensation with a reported prevalence of 7-32%. The British National Study of Hearing recorded that 10% of adults suffered from prolong spontaneous tinnitus, and approximately a quarter of these are subsequently referred to hospital for investigation...

Tinnitus and music

Marc Fagelson discusses how not just hearing loss, but tinnitus and hyperacusis and impairments to an individual’s ability to process music can adversely affect one’s quality of life, as well as their overall interactions from a societal and personal perspective....

Subjective tinnitus – adding mutebutton™ to your tinnitus toolbox

Neurophysiologic tinnitus or subjective tinnitus is typically a sound or a number of sounds that originate from the auditory nervous system. They are unwanted sounds that do not exist in the external environment. They can be heard in one or...

Pharmacologic treatment options for tinnitus

This article summarises potential medications that could be used to treat tinnitus and the evidence behind their use. Effective medications to eliminate tinnitus remain elusive but treatment could be divided into two broad categories: treatment to reduce perception of tinnitus...

Tinnitus loudness and insomnia

Tinnitus may be very bothersome for its sufferers, in some cases leading to suicide. Therefore, it is extremely important to offer the best available treatment to people suffering from tinnitus. This study considered whether insomnia may be associated with the...

Effects of diet and exercise on tinnitus

Subjective tinnitus is the perception of sound without any external stimulus. There is no consensus on the aetiology of tinnitus. Obesity is one condition that has been associated with subjective tinnitus. The authors conducted a randomised controlled trial to assess...

Ego-resiliency and tinnitus

Adults with tinnitus are 2.5 more likely to suffer with depression and anxiety. Ego-resiliency is the ability of a person to adapt to change and cope in difficult situations. This study aimed to determine whether ego-resiliency is related to perceived...

Tinnitus: Clinical and Research Perspectives

This book encapsulates the many facets of tinnitus from its enigmatic neurophysiological underpinnings to its cognitive effects and treatment approaches. The editors’ multidisciplinary approach in recruiting field experts from a variety of clinical and research backgrounds provides the reader with...

Questionnaires to measure tinnitus severity

The handicap associated with tinnitus can arise from any combination of stress, anxiety, depression, emotional distress, insomnia, difficulties concentrating, or impairments in quality of life or everyday functioning. Measuring such handicap and determining clinical need is therefore far from trivial....