You searched for "chemoradiation"

182 results found

Risk factors in free flap failure

This is a retrospective analysis from China of 881 free flaps over nearly four years, 49 of which were ‘taken back’, 26 of which were lost, giving a 97% success rate. The commonest cause of flap failure was venous thrombosis....

Identifying clinically useful salivary substitutes

This in vitro study analysed the efficacy of salivary substitutes used in the treatment of xerostomia following head neck irradiation. The researchers applied the products under evaluation onto a synthetic surface and onto cellular gingival models. The products were then...

The importance of s-ABR in auditory disorders

S-ABR is a method of recording speech-evoked-potentials, but where does it fit in the clinical and research test battery? Here, the authors examine the opportunities for s-ABR. The integrity of the neural transmission of acoustic stimuli is evaluated by auditory...

MedAudPro: a united front for audiology

For the past three years, the Network of Medical Audiology Professionals has been bringing together ENT providers in the USA. Co-founder and President, Patricia Ramos talks about her ambitions for the organisation.

BACO – the early years

The origins of the British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO) are indelibly intertwined in the mists of time with the foundation of the British Association of Otolaryngology (BAO). For further information on the latter I can only refer the interested...

Cognition and hearing – you can’t test one with the other!

Cognitive Psychologist, Boaz M Ben-David, provides insights into the import of considering cognitive factors when assessing speech perception ability to maximise intervention success. Failing to do so, he suggests, is “ageist”, a predisposition healthcare professionals must avoid. Cognitive performance is...

Management of the neck in maxillary sinus carcinomas

Primary malignant tumours of the sinonasal tract account for less than 10% of head and neck cancers, of which the maxilla is the second most common subsite and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most prevalent histological type. Maxillary SCCs...

Lancet Commission on Hearing Loss

The Lancet Commission on Hearing Loss was convened in 2019, and its main report will be published in 2023. We learn more about it here. The Lancet Commission on Hearing Loss was convened in 2019, and was charged by Richard...

The role of the multidisciplinary team in laryngology and airway – the Charing Cross experience

As the National Centre for Airway Reconstruction, the Charing Cross laryngology MDT provides expert care to patients with airway problems as well as voice and swallowing disorders. In this article, the team explain their raison d’etre and why the MDT...

A place for everything and everything in its place: the practicalities of randomised clinical trials

Will this pill cure tinnitus? Bonnie Millar describes one trial that has investigated the possibility whilst describing the path of drug trials in the UK. Background In the last quarter of 2014, a clinical trial (QUIET-1; Identifier: NCT02315508) commenced...

Patient-led wax and aural foreign body removal technology – is it safe?

As ENT and audiology professionals, wax impaction and aural foreign bodies are common presentations to our clinic that can cause significant distress to patients and can preclude diagnostic testing such as pure tone audiograms and tympanometry. We often advise patients...

The role, aims and organisation of the 2017 IFOS World Congress

IFOS is a truly international organisation – indeed, its rules state that the Executive Committee must have representation from every continent. IFOS President, Chong Sun Kim, tells us more. Dear friends and colleagues, I am very pleased to welcome all...