You searched for "cochlea"

1053 results found

Role of potassium channel opener in salicylate induced tinnitus

The exact mechanism in the origin of tinnitus is not known. Many pharmacological agents have been tried to to treat tinnitus without great success. Aspirin is a commonly used medicine in the elderly population to reduce the risk of stroke...

Pomegranate juice as an otoprotective agent

Chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin, given alongside irradiation, offer a survival advantage in head and neck cancer. Some patients often complain bitterly about side-effects of their treatment, one of which is ototoxicity. In this paper, the authors propose the use...

Team proves secure pathway to the inner ear

An international team of surgeons and scientists has, for the first time, validated safe surgical access to the central core of the human cochlea.

Auditory brainstem implant results in adults and children

Background The auditory brainstem implant (ABI) has been developed from cochlear implant (CI) technology and is indicated for people who have anatomical abnormalities of the cochlea or dysfunction of the auditory nerve. The majority of people who have received an...

Management of patients with advanced otosclerosis

This paper discusses the management options of advanced otosclerosis. There are several definitions for advanced otosclerosis in the literature but, more recently, the diagnosis of advanced otoscletosis has been reserved for patients who have less than 30% aided speech discrimination...

A psychophysical perspective on single-sided deafness and its treatment by cochlear implants

Bob Carlyon gives us a psychophysical perspective on the hearing benefits that can and cannot be achieved for patients with single-sided deafness with a cochlear implant, and discusses some of the challenges in maximising the effectiveness of the treatment. He...

The HEARO Procedure for cochlear implantation

Cochlear implants have become the state-of-the-art treatment for profound to severe sensorineural hearing loss. Since its popularisation, many aspects of this technology have constantly been optimised. Processors have become smaller, are worn behind the ear and are even water resistant....

What is in the Fountain of Youth?

Does the auditory system have to age? Can we become more like turtles or jellyfish and keep our internals running without degradation? This essay considers the theoretical underpinnings of biological processes in the cochlear, in particular the role of the...

Does post-meningitic cochlear obliteration affect impedance and charge of the implant?

Implantation in children deafened by meningitis may be very challenging due to obliteration or ossification of the cochlea. This study aimed to assess impedance values and charge consumption in such cases and evaluate if they are affected by the degree...

Cochlear implant electrode insertion technique

Atraumatic cochlear implant insertion techniques (so-called ‘soft surgery’) are now standard practice in most centres for all cases (no longer just for attempted hearing preservation cases). This has led to several studies examining cochlear trauma and electrode insertion force. In...

What’s hidden in hidden hearing loss?

In order to truly understand the many key aspects of acquired sensorineural hearing loss, the role of cochlear synaptopathy or ‘hidden hearing loss’ must be considered. Dan Guo and Sharon Kujawa review and summarise what we know to date, including...

Possible correlation of ABR changes with prognosis in sudden sensorineural hearing loss

A sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) of 30dB or more affecting at least three frequencies and occurring over less than three days is classified as ‘sudden’ SNHL (SSNHL). Treatment is urgently undertaken with systemic and/or intra-tympanic steroids, and ijn some cases...