You searched for "entrepreneurs"

37 results found

“Oh Manchester is Wonderful”...And other chants you might hear from the football stands or at BACO

Chris Potter is a lad of the North West, and we see him here letting his bleach blond hair grow out to show us his Northern roots. When I was a lad, Manchester was a troubled city in apparent terminal...

‘The Sun does not forget a village just because it is too small’ – African proverb

Solar powered hearing aids In the middle of the morning of January 24, 2002, I had been in Otse for only three days, a village of 3500 in the south of Botswana, when I heard a knock at the door....

The process of medical innovation

You’ve got an amazing idea for a new device. It is going to change how your speciality of surgery is practised. It will lead to better operative results and lower risks to patients – that’s amazing, can I see it?...

To make a difference

Education and training have a key part to play in the development of leaders of the future; Dorte Hammershøi discusses the educational approaches taken in Denmark and the pros and cons of the methods used. Dorte also explains the BEAR...

Moving forward for better communication for the Deaf and hard of hearing – Wavefront Centre

Now more than ever, guaranteeing accessibility and inclusion is a vital need for people of all abilities. The Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility in Vancouver, BC, is a model on to how to effectively address these issues and serve the...

Canopy: a medical translation app

Professional interpreters perform an integral role in the medical setting, ensuring that clinician-patient interactions are understood from both sides. As essential as they are, however, we have all experienced scenarios where we have been left, to our own devices, so...

Deaf identity in audiology services: exploring the significance and implications

Dr Celia Hulme, a culturally Deaf * sign language user, draws from her personal experience and extensive PhD research on Deaf signers’ experiences with audiology services. *In this article, the convention of using an uppercase ‘D’ is used to denote...

Audiology In This Issue - Identity

Guest Section Editors Crystal Rolfe, BSc, MSc, Associate Director of Strategy - Health, RNID, UK. Teri Devine,Associate Director of Strategy - Inclusion and Employment, RNID, UK. What is deaf identity? There are many variables that impact on deaf identity, such...

Development and review of a blended service in response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has required healthcare services globally to show both resilience and ingenuity in redesigning services to meet the ever-changing needs of our patients. We hear about the redevelopment of clinical pathways within an hearing implant service, and the...

Annelies Kusters: exploring deaf communities globally

Pioneering deaf scholar, Annelies Kusters, shares insights from her global research journey spanning two decades in deaf communities worldwide. You’ve travelled the world extensively through your work – what’s surprised you most about the different communities that you’ve studied? My...

Annelies Kusters: exploring deaf communities globally

Pioneering deaf scholar, Annelies Kusters, shares insights from her global research journey spanning two decades in deaf communities worldwide. You’ve travelled the world extensively through your work – what’s surprised you most about the different communities that you’ve studied? My...

Promoting human rights of deaf communities in low-resource settings

Stigma and misconceptions about deafness are serious impediments for many deaf people to realise rights and potential in some of the most challenging situations globally. Around 430 million people are estimated to live with moderate or higher levels of hearing...