You searched for "evidence-based"

11 results found

Evidence-based clinical education

All healthcare professionals participate in education of students in both their own and other disciplines. It is part of our role and we are often used to squeezing it in and around our clinical responsibilities. In fact, the events during...

Evidence-based hospital management of epistaxis

Epistaxis is the most common presentation to acute ENT services in the UK. However, there are currently no nationally accepted guidelines for its management. The British Rhinological Society, ENT UK and INTEGRATE (The National ENT Trainee Research Network) are working...

Evidence based practice in paediatric audiology

Audiology, like most of the health sciences professions, has been working on integrating evidence-based practice principles since the mid-1990s [1]. Professional organisations and regulatory colleges have produced evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, disseminated them to audiologists and collaborated with practitioners to...

A leading provider of evidence-based tinnitus treatments

Patients are as different as their ears which is why The Tinnitus and Hearing Clinic delivers bespoke solutions for your patients with Tinnitus, Hearing Loss and Hyperacusis. We have provided evidence-based treatment for over 10 years and are expert in...

Evidence based guidelines for ONS treatment in occipital neuralgia

Occipital neuralgia (ON) can flummox otolaryngologists especially when it follows mastoid surgery. The paroxysms of sharp, electrical pain originating from the occiput can extend along the posterior aspect of the scalp and even up to the mastoid. Although the aetiology...

Balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube: An evidence based review

Eustachian tube dysfunction has long provoked debate among otolaryngologists with wide-spread variation in management. Establishing a safe and effective surgical technique to bring about resolution would be of benefit to those affected, with an estimated incidence of 0.9% in the...

ENT and evidence-based medicine: How do they benefit each other?

How do we assess evidence, and how should ENT surgeons use EBM? Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the practice of medicine based upon high quality scientific research. There are several formal definitions of EBM, the most widely quoted being that of...

Evidence-based practice: management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss

What is the current evidence for medical management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss? Jessica Choong and Stephen O’Leary present a review of the current evidence of treatments options. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) causes significant distress and, in many cases,...

Empty Nose Syndrome: Evidence Based Proposals for Inferior Turbinate Management

To cut or not to cut, that is the question… The authors of Empty Nose Syndrome emphatically implore the reader to spare the inferior turbinate, lest they cause patients this undue misery! This book is a thought-provoking journey through the...

Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery – From the Lab to the Operating Room: an Evidence-based Approach

There have been many attempts to comprehensively address the topic of ‘Rhinology’, however Georgalas and Fokkens in their new book Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery – From the lab to the operating room: an evidence-based approach, have managed to deliver...

Evidence based outcomes for canal wall up, canal wall down and subsequent canal wall reconstruction for primary cholesteatoma

There has been a long standing controversy over whether to treat primary cholesteatoma with open or closed technique. The general consensus is that limited disease can be treated with closed technique whereas the canal wall down approach helps reduce recidivism...