You searched for "future"

1392 results found

Developing medical devices for children: opportunities and challenges

The development of medical devices for infants and children lags significantly behind the development of devices for adults. While in the United States the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set up incentives for developing child age-specific pharmaceuticals, there is...

OBITUARY: Bernard Colman (1924-2020)

Bernard Colman at his leaving party at the old Radcliffe infirmary in 1989, which was his retirement year. Born above a corner shop in Wolverhampton on 17 October 1924, Bernard Colman entered Wolverhampton Grammar School in 1933 but left early...

The rise of a medical ‘mirrorworld’

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are concepts we’ve heard of, but only seen in films such as Terminator, Minority Report and Mission Impossible. In this article, Tom Lovelock describes how AR/VR will impact our lives. A recent article...

Innovative approaches to treating deafness

Shahar Taiber and Karen Avraham give us a summary of gene therapies for hearing loss, with an overview of limitations and what the future holds. Hearing loss is the most common sensory disorder. The last two decades have seen a...

Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 8th edition

If there’s one thing I love about a book review, it’s the unique opportunity to handle, peruse and imbibe a piece of work before it reaches the masses. There are few things more enjoyable than engaging with printer-fresh pages and...

Demystifying laryngology in the era of examination and collaboration

In the field of laryngology, perhaps more than in any other area of ENT, there has been a philosophical shift (as well as a technological one) in the approach of clinicians caring for patients. Albert Merati explains. Progress in laryngology...

ENT in this issue...IFOS Vancouver

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused us great concern for the health and safety of our patients, communities and colleagues around the world. Although we continue to plan for IFOS 2021 in Vancouver, Canada, at this time, we must plan for...

Ida Institute scales down

The Ida Institute has been unable to secure future funding and is significantly scaling back its activities.

ENT in this issue - Global rhinology: ERS2023

Prof Dr Wytske Fokkens, MD, PhD, General Secretary ERS; Professor, Dept of Otorhinolaryngology, Amsterdam University Medical Centres, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This issue of ENT & Audiology News centres around the ERS Congress taking place in Sofia in June this year....

ENT In This Issue - Trainee Takeover

Jonathan Lee, ST3, MRCS, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Warwick Hospital, University Hospitals of South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust, UK. ENT training has undoubtedly taken a significant hit since the COVID-19 pandemic. Crises, however, often lead to collaboration...

Reduction thyroplasty

Introduction Male to female transgendered patients are referred to ENT for reduction thyroplasty – a procedure to reduce the external appearance of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx, and feminisation of the voice. Reduction thyroplasty, often erroneously called ‘tracheal shave’,...

The ‘bus stop’ incision for bone-anchored hearing aid placement: a step-by-step approach to soft tissue preparation

There have been many descriptions of soft tissue preparation in the era when subcutaneous tissue was routinely removed with the Nijmegen technique [1] or with the dermatome [2]. More descriptions continue to evolve with the advent of tissue preservation techniques,...