You searched for "maxillo-facial"

152 results found

Training in Facial Plastic Surgery in the UK

Following the Keogh report earlier this year into the quality of cosmetic surgery in the UK, surgical training in cosmetic surgery is high on the agenda. A Cosmetic Surgery Interspecialty Committee at the Royal College of Surgeons is currently discussing...

Head and neck cancer deaths to cost $535 billion by 2030

More than 500,000 people across the globe will die this year from head and neck cancer, which is the sixth most common cancer in the world and comprises malignancies of the nose, mouth, throat, larynx, and neck. Assuming current trends...

Leadership: In conversation with Dr Joyce Aswani

In certain cultures, it is even more difficult for women to establish roles in leadership due to the pressures put upon them by society to take care of the home and family, often in lieu of furthering their education and...

Speech predictors after glossectomy

This is a cross-sectional study from India where 69 patients were assessed for speech intelligibility and phonetics using an assessment tool in the local language. Volume defects were classified into thirds and the location of this defect noted. Not unsurprisingly,...

Clinical pathological features associated with malignant change in oral leukoplakias

This is a retrospective study from Sweden where 234 patients, diagnosed between 2003 and 2013 with a median nine-year follow-up, were reviewed. Of these 234 patients, 11.5% developed oral squamous cell carcinoma. Non-homogenous leukoplakia showed a 15-times higher transformation rate...

Epithelial risk factors

This review paper from Barcelona retrospectively assesses patients diagnosed with oral epithelial dysplasia between 1995-2014 and followed up until 2017. In total, 144 cases were noted, of which 42% progressed to an oral cancer by the time of review in...

Reducing nasal changes in SARPE

This paper from Belgium highlights completing a sub-spinal cortectomy of the anterior nasal spine during the procedure of surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE) as a means of reducing the alar and columella width as well as the nasolabial angle....

Wisdom teeth and mandibular osteotomies

This is a systemic review and meta-analysis from Italy and Brazil where they try to clarify the role of wisdom teeth and complications in a sagittal split mandibular osteotomy. Whilst, like many other papers, they outline the quality of evidence...

CT parameters in orbital wall fractures, choice of treatment, and patient outcome

This review from the Netherlands attempts to evaluate the relationship between CT parameters and the treatment that is used in clinical outcome (enophthalmos, diplopia and/or limitation in ocular movement). The authors look at fracture size, fracture location and involvement of...

Effects on the nasal cavity and maxillary sinus after a Le Fort I osteotomy

This paper from Turkey divided 28 patients into three groups: those having a maxillary advancement osteotomy, those with a maxillary advancement and impaction, and those that underwent advancement with a yaw rotation. They found that pure advancement movement of the...

Core biopsies are good enough for lymphomas

This paper, from the South of England, has reviewed ultrasound-guided core needle biopsies over a six-year period investigating the use of the detection of head and neck lymphomas. There were 367 samples included from 226 patients; 215 of the 226...

Structures determining T4a, T4b

This paper for tertiary cancer centre in India attempted to determine whether patients with T4b oral cancers involving the 'masticator space' should be treated with survival intent comparable to T4a cancers. Over a 7-year period, 30 patients with T4b cancers...